LUNA 7.5.5 Release Notes

LUNA 7.5.5 Release Notes

Posted June 26, 2024


Features & Enhancements to LUNA Viewer:

  • New (optional) OpenSeadragon Detail View with smooth zoom and featuring a new annotation Viewer/Editor powered by Annotorious.

  • Enhanced SEO and accessibility improvements to the LUNA Viewer’s Detail View and Thumbnail View on compact screens and touch-enabled devices through responsive design enhancements

  • Added a new LUNA Viewer setting to allow users to choose between masonry or grid layout when browsing thumbnails.

  • This release now broadly includes Machine Reading Maps (MRM) development supporting searchable text on maps and annotations, as well as enhancements not widely distributed. See below to learn more. 


Technical Upgrades and Enhancements to LUNA:

  • Mysql Connector/J 5.1 and MySQL Server 5.6 have reached end of life. We have upgraded LUNA to use Mysql Connector/J 8.1. We strongly recommend customers running LUNA on their own servers to upgrade their Mysql server to version 8.0 or above, to support Connector/J 8.1. The Mysql server upgrade will be part of our upgrade process for hosted customers.

  • LUNA has been upgraded to Tomcat 9.

  • Upgraded Video.js from 7.10.2 to 8.10.0 resulting in improvements around playing video/audio files in LUNA.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug causing discrepancies between custom facet count and results returned.

  • Fixed a bug whereby restricting media only in the LUNA Viewer behaves like restricting media and data.

  • Fixed a bug whereby Using a "/" character in a single field facet name prevents the expansion of the facet lists.


Enhancements and bug fixes from 7.5.4

  • Upgrade to SOLR search engine to support spatial search

  • Added a setting in the Collection Manager to display a custom menu item below the search box in the LUNA Viewer. LUNA Admins will be able to set custom text and a hyperlink that opens a new window, allowing for a link to external help or other information.

  • Updated the share links in the LUNA Viewer for social media platforms.

  • In the LUNA Viewer, added an option of listing of all facet values for the Embed feature.

  • Support for Fotomoto in the LUNA Viewer for those using the Relay Button for e-commerce

  • Added caches to speed up instances with a lot of Shared collections.

  • Fixed a bug in the LUNA Viewer whereby clicking on a facet value after performing a "catalog data and text in documents" search resulted in no media found.

  • Fixed a bug in the LUNA Viewer whereby an image does not display in Mirador v2 if the IIIF manifest's URL does not match the value in its @id attribute".

  • Fixed a bug in the LUNA Viewer whereby the pull down list of values was missing from the Advanced Search "find this exact wording".

  • Fixed a search problem in the Viewer & Library to correct a condition when there is a "." in the search term that's not followed by a space. A rebuild of both the Library and Viewer is needed to correct the issue on version 7.5.4 or later.



Features specific to the MRM project/integration:

Prior to this 7.5.5 release, Luna’s development team worked on a collaborative project referred to as Machines Reading Maps (MRM) partnering with David Rumsey, the Alan Turing Institute, the University of Minnesota, the Austrian Institute of Technology and the University of Southern California Library. The results of this project provides a method for the text contained on map images to be turned into searchable metadata within the LUNA Viewer, using the existing annotations feature. The feature development stemming from the MRM project was released as version 7.5.4 and exclusively applied to the David Rumsey Map collection as a beta release. 


While special integration is required to make use of the searchable text on maps in the LUNA Viewer, many of the enhancements listed in the 7.5.5 release notes above are a direct result of the MRM project. In addition to that, we would also like to highlight the notable enhancements that come specifically with text on maps integration. 


  • When performing a Text on Maps search, results display as a masonry view of the text portion of the map or as a grid view displaying a thumbnail of the entire map, overlaid with pinpoint icons to identify where the term exists on the image.

  • Implemented spatial indexing for annotations to enable multi-word searches across annotations, presenting merged images of the matching annotations in the displayed results.

  • In the Detail View, clicking on the annotation icon will highlight all text on the image for items that have text on map annotations.

  • Text on map annotations expose the transcription of the text generated by the map kurator, displaying any change history and the ability to edit the transcription with the proper permission.

  • Support for fuzzy search on annotations and the ability to specify the "edit distance". ("Edit distance" is a measure used to quantify the similarity between two strings or sequences of characters.)

Bulk import of annotations in geojson format, pending a frontend ui to do this. (contact luna for details- contact@lunaimaging.com or support@lunaimaging.com ?)

Special Note to Site License Clients upgrading your own instance: After running the installer for LUNA 7.5.5., change to the directory "~LunaImaging/7.x/LUNA/resources/solrIndexUpgrade” and then run the script ./solrUpgrade.sh

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