LUNA Patch Release Notes
Posted July 27, 2022
The LUNA patch release includes the following enhancements:
Support for version 3 IIIF manifests when loading external collections into LUNA sharing.
Made an enhancement to the Viewer's Summary field popup so that it does not show up when there are no fields selected to display in it.
The LUNA patch release fixes the following bugs:
Fixed the indentation for the Browse All and Browse 4W Facets on the Viewer's Featured Media page.
Fixed a bug in the Viewer whereby the More option for facets should only display when there are more than five values.
Fixed a bug with restricted items in the Viewer, so that the item's values are also restricted from the facet count and from displaying in facets.
Fixed a bug in the LUNA Viewer whereby a date field with only a four digit year caused an error in the Detail View.
LUNA Site License Clients: Your database may need to be upgraded. Mariadb 10.1 and MYSQL 5.6 are not compatible with LUNA 7.5.3. Minimum versions are Mariadb 10.3 and MYSQL 5.7