Dates in LUNA

Dates in LUNA


The LUNA Viewer now (7.3+) supports date range searching. To best make use of this feature the date values must be formatted to match one of a number of patterns.

Date Patterns

Below is a list of date patterns followed by an example

dd MMM yyyy24 Jun 1837You can use the full month here
MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss06/24/1837 17:08:56 
MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss aa06/24/1837 5:08:56 PM 
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss1837-06-24 17:08:56 
yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss aa1837-06-24 5:08:56 PM 
yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'1837-06-24:17:08:56-0800The Z is the offset from UTC time -0800 is Pacific Standard Time

The lowercase z is using the name like these three options:

Pacific Standard Time




Other references

Data Templates & Data Schemas to define your date fields.

See Default Date Field in Creating & Editing Collection Properties to choose a single date field that will be used in the simple search box.

See Searching to understand where you can do date range searches.