Quick Start

Quick Start

Insight Studio is separated into a series of task-based actions. Each action represents one aspect of creating and managing a collection.
These tasks include:

  • Creating a Collection (see page )

Name and describe the new collection, choose a Catalog Template to define the data structure, design a theme (background image) and create the collection.

  • Creating a Catalog Template (see page )

Start with an existing Catalog Template or start from scratch and define the metadata structure that will hold all descriptive data to be linked to the media in your collection.

  • Importing/Processing Media (see page )

Import your media into the Insight environment by having Studio build the suite of derivative images (optimized images for every size that Insight displays) and link your media to your data.

  • Importing Metadata (data records) (see page )

Map your source data to Insight's data model and import it into the Insight structure.

  • Managing User Access (see page )Decide who should have access to the collection and what kind of access they should have.

  • Modifying an Existing Collection's Properties (see page )

Insight Studio builds new collections. Administrator Tools are designed to modify existing collection's Properties.

  • Creating a Virtual Collection (see page )If you only want to share part of a collection, or if you want to organize a collection into smaller sub-collections, create Virtual Collections.