Managing Collections

Managing Collections

Managing Advanced Access Privileges (Profiles & Inscribe Permissions)

Depending on the type of user, you may choose to restrict access to specific tools. Insight provides an array of configurable permissions to restrict access to specific features or tools.
By default, Insight Studio creates five profiles for each collection, tuned towards: Administrators, Editors, Catalogers, General Access, and Restricted Access users.
To create your own profiles or adjust existing profiles, use the Administrator Tools. Common tasks include changing the IP Address restrictions for a collection, changing the image view and export permissions, and adjusting the Administrator Tools user permissions.

Adjusting the IP Address Restrictions for a Collection

  1. Open the Administrator Tools and connect to the Collection Manager which hosts the collection you wish to manage.
  2. Go to the Collection Settings node and open the entry for the collection you wish to configure.
  3. Click on the User Groups node for your collection. Each User Group must map to a user group on the User Manager – these groups function as private keys between the User Manager and Collection Manager.
  4. Right-click on the User Group you wish to add the IP Restrictions to, and select Edit.
  5. Specify IP Ranges (for the Insight Java Client) and Browser IP Ranges valid for the User Group. If you have multiple IP addresses or ranges, they can be separated by commas with NO space between them.


Insight IP Ranges

Allow all users

Allow users from and,

Allow all users from the 128.148.128.* subnet–

  1. Press Save.

NOTE: Collection Managers refresh cached User Group and Profile settings every five minutes, so your changes, while active in the database, may take a few minutes to fully take effect.

Adjusting Profile Settings for a User in a Collection

Within Insight, profiles are mapped to User Groups in the Collection Manager, which, in turn are mapped to User Groups and users in the User Manager. (Please see Figure 33: Mapping of Permissions from the User Manager to Collection Manager on page ). Adjusting a profile will adjust permissions for one or potentially a large number of users. If you are unsure of which users are mapped to a given profile, you may want to create a new User Group. There are two steps to adjusting the profile settings for a user in a collection:

  1. Adjusting the profile (or creating a new profile).
  2. Mapping that Profile to a User Group.

Changing an Existing Profile or Creating a New Profile

Profiles are collection-specific groups of rights and permissions.
To change an existing profile, or create a new profile:

  1. Open Administrator Tools and connect to the Collection Manager which hosts the collection you wish to manage.
  2. Go to the collection Settings node and open the entry for the collection you wish to configure.
  3. Click on the Profile node for your collection. On the table to the right is a list of existing profiles. Review them, and see if any of them match the set of permissions you wish to use. For a list of the Default Profiles created with a collection or Personal Collection, please see Table 16: Default Profiles for Collections and Associated Permissions and Table 17: Personal Insight Manager Default Profile Privleges on pages and . If they do, please see the next section, on mapping a profile to a User Group. If they don't, right-click on an existing profile and select add.
  4. Enter the specific restrictions you want for the user, and the SPS Value for the collection (this should be the same for all profiles).
  5. Press Save.
  6. If Inscribe-specific permissions changes are necessary, open the "Inscribe Profile Privileges" node and adjust the settings for your profile (there's a 1:1 correlation between Profiles and Inscribe Profiles).

Mapping a User Group to a Profile

Once you have created or modified your profile, you must map it to a specific User Group in order to change the permissions for a user.
To map a Profile to a User Group

  1. Open the User Groups node for your collection (located under Collection Settings).
  2. Right-click the entry you want to edit and select "Edit".
  3. Make your selection from the Profile pull-down.
  4. Press Save.

Changing the Admin Account Permissions for a Collection

For more information on changing the Admin Account Permissions, please see Managing Administrative Users on page .

Advanced Configurations for Access & Permissions

There are many advanced settings and configurations for permissions and access in the Administrator Tools. Below is a list of the main configuration settings and where to find them in the Administrator Tools.

  • WARNING: Be careful when adjusting these settings. Back up your settings before you make any changes.

Table 4: Advanced Permissions and Access Restrictions and where to control them in the Administrator Tools


User Groups

Admin Accounts


Inscribe Profiles

Approval Levels

Record Types

Record Fields

Restrict access by IP address (Java Client)








Restrict access by IP address (BrowserInsight)








Max viewable image size








Max exportable image size








Max exportable presentation resolution








Can save groups at the collection level








can delete groups at the collection level








Can save annotations at the collection level








Can export HTML files








Can Create MultiView Images








Can create facing pages in MultiPage Documents

















Inscribe Permissions








Can view data in Inscribe








Can edit data in Inscribe








Can add new data in Inscribe








Can delete data in Inscribe








Can link data records








Can link data records to media








Associate an approval level with profile*








Can view/edit a specific record type*








Can add new values to a field (by approval level)*








Can publish changes to Insight








Can publish changes to external source tables**








Specify position in Workflow Process

















Administrator Tools Permissions








Can view collection information








Can edit collection information








Can delete collection information








Can add media, run indexer








Can administer other admin users








Can manage collection in Insight Studio








Can manage User Manager in Insight Studio








* Approval levels are advanced features of the Inscribe Catalog Tool and can be complex to configure.** Not all collections have "source tables"









Adding a Remote Collection or New Collection Manager/Personal Insight Manager to your User Manager

There are three types of collections that can be defined in the User Manager:
A Master Server: This references a Collection Manager that you manage. It is used to logically group collections in the Insight Studio Login Panel and provides a default Institution ID, Server Address and Port for new collections. Entries in the Collection Root node are used to automatically add new collections to the User Manager as they are created within Insight Studio.
A Personal Collection Server: This is used to tell the Insight client that the server mapped is a Personal Insight Manager. The client will then ask the Personal Insight Manager for a list of Personal Collections to which the User has access.
A Single Collection: This references a specific collection within a Collection Manager or Personal Insight Manager. Entries are created automatically by Insight Studio for collections that are created using the tool. If you want to add access to a shared collection on a remote server (one you don't manage), you would add it using this type.
Table 5: Required Information for Adding a New Collection

Collection Server Type

Master __ Collection __ Personal Collection___

Collection Server Hostname


Collection Server Port


Institution ID


Collection ID


Virtual Collection ID


Locale (language/country code)


User Group Name*


Code Key*




Adding a Collection Entry to Your User Manager

  1. Complete the form above for the collection you wish to add.
  2. Open Administrator Tools and connect to the User Manager.
  3. Right-click the Collections node and select New.
  4. Enter in the information for your collection, Master Server, or Personal Insight.
  5. Press Save.
  6. If you are adding a single collection, as opposed to a Master Server Manager entry or Personal Collection Master entry, then you will need to add a user Group to enable users to login to the collection via the User Manager (please follow the steps in the next section).

Adding a User Group

  1. To add a User Group, Right Click on the User Groups node and select New.
  2. Enter Group Name and Code Key (remember that these are CASE SENSITIVE), and then add the collection you just added to the list of Assigned Collections.
  3. Press Save.
  4. You can now manage access to your collection (via the User Group) in both Administrator Tools and Insight Studio. If you would like to enable access to this collection for a user via the Administrator Tools, please follow the steps in the next section.

Adding/Editing a User and Assigning Access to Collections Using User Groups in the Administrator Tools

To assign access to Collections for specific users in Insight, you must associate users with User Groups (which are tied to specific Collections). (Please see Figure 33: Mapping of Permissions from the User Manager to Collection Manager on page for a diagram).
To add or modify a user:

  1. Connect to your User Manager.
  2. Expand the Users node, and either right-click/Edit an existing user or right-click the Users section and select New to add a new user.
  3. If you are adding a new user, enter in the required information including username, password, first name and last name.

NOTE: If you are using Oracle as your backend database, the username and password will be case sensitive.

  1. Assign access to the "User Group" (Authentication Groups) or set of User Groups for the collections you wish to grant the user access.
  2. Press Save.
  3. Log into the Java Client to test the username and password.

Deleting User Groups

To delete a User Group:

  1. Click on the User Groups node in the Administrator Tools.
  2. Select the User Group you wish to delete.

  1. Right-Click on the User Group you wish to delete and choose "delete."

Creating a Virtual Collection Using Insight Studio

Virtual Collections are logical subsets of content from Institutional Collections. They can be created to grant access for specific users to part of a collection with restricted rights, or to better organize a group of content.

To Create a Virtual Collection

  1. Log into the Insight Studio.

  1. Select Create New Collection.
  2. Advance to the Collection Properties page
    1. Enter your new Collection Name
    2. Choose Virtual Collection as your Collection Type
    3. Select the Parent Collection
    4. Optionally fill in the various description information

  1. Click the Next button and choose or create a Theme for your collection then click next.

  1. Review the Publish Collection page, then press Publish Collection.

  1. Add "Allow editing of Virtual Collections" to your profile in the Administrator Tools
    1. Open the Administrator Tools and login to the Collection Manager that contains the Institutional and Virtual Collection you would like to mange.

    1. Locate the Profiles in the Admin tools.

    1. Highlight the Institutional Collection and select from the profiles in the right panel. Double click or right click to edit the profile.

    1. Check the "Allow editing of Virtual Collections" and "Allow user to save a group" options then save.

  1. You are now ready to add the content to the new Virtual Collection using the Insight Java Client.

  1. Launch the Insight Java Client and login to the Institutional Collection you are basing the Virtual Collection on.

  1. Once the collection is open select edit virtual collection group under the file menu.

  1. Select the appropriate Virtual Collection group to edit.

  1. Once the Group opens, populate the Group with contents from the Institutional Collection then save the group.

  1. Your Virtual Collection is now ready to access.

Deleting a Collection

Once you delete a collection, you cannot restore it (except from a backup). Please follow these instructions only if you really wish to delete your collection.

  • WARNING: This will destroy all content related to this collection. We strongly suggest backing up your database before this operation.

To delete a collection, you must have the privilege to do so. To grant the right of collection deletion, open the Administrator Tools go to Server Settings and edit the Admin Account for the privileged user. Select "Insight Studio Collection Delete", then save.

Login to Insight Studio and select the collection you need to delete. Under the file menu you will see Delete Collection and select it. You will be prompted and warned before the deletion is committed.

Deleting a Collection's Content

If you have not setup your Media Manager to perform media deletion, please refer to "Enabling Media File Deletion" in the Installation and Configuration Guide. You also have the option of deleting the media manually described in the steps below.

To Manually Delete a Collection's Content from the Media Manager

  1. Locate the media root for your Media Manager.
  2. Within the Media Manager root, there should be different directories representing the different size derivatives for Insight. Within each "Size" directory is a directory for each collection.
    1. Locate the directory for your collection. Its name will be constructed from the Collection ID + "" + Institution ID + "" + VC ID.
    2. Delete the directory for your collection.
  3. Repeat for all other directories.

Collection Backgrounds in Insight 5+

Insight collections are always presented over a background graphic. Though Insight provides a standard background, collection builders can create custom backgrounds that can give a collection a unique look.

Two Methods of Building Custom Backgrounds

Insight's Collection Theme Tool
An easy-to-use and powerful automated tool that can turn any graphic image into a properly formatted background for both the Insight Java Client and Browser versions of Insight. The tool automates all steps in the process, including installing graphical components in the proper destination directories, and making all necessary changes in the Collection Manager configuration to use the custom background.
Building a Custom Background Manually
A manual process that gives a designer more control over the final result, but requires all steps to be performed by hand.

Manually Creating and Installing Custom Backgrounds

Designing a background is only the first of six steps in changing a collection's background:

  1. Designing a custom background for the Insight Java Client.
  2. Creating a Browser background from an Insight Java Client collection background.
  3. Moving background graphical elements to the Media Manager.
  4. Testing background graphical elements in Media Manager.
  5. Configuring the collection for a custom background.
  6. Testing the collection and its custom backgrounds.

Designing a Custom Background

The Insight background image consists of a number of elements:

  • The initial image (800x600 pixels max).
  • The cross-hairs that separate the task area and the groups.
  • The Insight Logo.
  • A layer that blends the image and the background color.
  • A solid color to be used for screens that are larger that 800x600.

NOTE:The horizontal and vertical gray lines that divide the Group Workspace are part of the background graphic and continue into the fill area. These lines must always be the same color and in the same location. Changing the color or location of the lines on the graphic will break the illusion of a continuous line. Do not change the line color, do not move the lines.

Using the Photoshop Background Template

A template for creating Insight backgrounds in Adobe Photoshop has been provided for you. It contains layers with predefined components, layers to guide placement of custom graphic elements, and a layer to simulate how it will look when in use in an Insight session (these layers will be described below).

  1. A template for creating Insight backgrounds in Adobe Photoshop can be found on either "6.3 Upgrade" or "Server Components" CD's in the following location:


  1. Open the template in Adobe Photoshop.

The image size is preset at 803x590 pixels and should not be changed.

Using the Predefined Template Layers

These layers are provided to help you rapidly create and preview pleasing background artwork:

    • Divider Lines – Insight divides the Group Workspace into panels, placing interactive dynamic elements into each panel. These lines mark the borders of the panels, and must not be moved. The lines will continue beyond the graphic, painted into the remaining background fill area on user screens. For continuous lines, do not change the color of these lines.

  • WARNING: Do not alter this layer, Layer should be visible when exporting graphic.

    • Insight Logo – Users familiar with Insight will recognize the logo when they open your collection and will instantly know how to use it.

NOTE: Standard usage leaves this layer unchanged, layer should be visible when exporting graphic.

    • Guidelines – This reference-only layer shows how graphic elements are traditionally placed in Insight collection backgrounds. Follow these guidelines and you will create a compliant, aesthetically pleasing background.

NOTE: Informational layer, TURN OFF for output.

    • File Menus – To see how your background will look in Insight, turn on this layer, which has a mock image of a populated Group Workspace (with a menu and search criteria to the left, and the thumbnails panel on the right). This layer will NOT be part of your final graphic, and should be turned off when exporting.

NOTE:Informational layer, TURN OFF for output.

    • Background Color – The bottom-most layer. Set to the color that will fill the remainder of the user's screen beyond the limits of the graphic.

NOTE: Set this layer to your desired background color, layer should be visible when exporting graphic.

To create an Insight background:

  1. Place your graphic or image in the upper left corner.
  2. Fade it to a SOLID background color that matches along the entire right and bottom edge. It is important that the ENTIRE bottom and right edge are this background color so it seamlessly blends in to the painted regions of the screen beyond the graphic. Photoshop has tools to assist you in fading your graphic image to the solid background color.

NOTE: If the fade isn't complete before hitting the edge, a line will be visible when the background color fills in around the edge of the graphic.

  1. Place the title just above the horizontal line, close to the left edge of the right panel.

NOTE: The Guidelines layer shows where to place the title.

  1. Use the eyedropper tool to sample the solid background color at the bottom and right edges. Note the RGB value (Red, Green, Blue), you will need it in step #2 of To Configure Custom Background for the Insight Java Client (if applicable).

  1. Turn off the Guidelines and File Menus layers.

  1. Save the final design as a GIF.

Creating a Browser Background from a Java Client Collection Background

Unlike the Insight Java Client, which places its elements in layers on the screen, BrowserInsight tiles graphical elements side-by-side. Since all graphical elements must be placed in rectangular regions, the Browser background needs to be sliced.

A Photoshop action script called Insight Browser Background has been developed to slice the background for you, requiring you only to save each slice as it is created. The script only needs to be imported once and may be used whenever you create or change an Insight background for the Insight Java Client and need to slice it for use in the Browser.
Steps to prepare and load the action script are different for PC and Mac users. Separate instructions follow for each environment. The action script runs identically in both environments, instructions converge at that point.
Installing the Insight Browser Background Action Script - PC Users

  1. Locate the zip file containing the action script on either "6.3 Upgrade" or "Server Components" CD's:


  1. Unzip the contents into a temporary directory (eg: c:\unzipped).

  1. Copy the lnf directory from c:\unzipped\Insight Browser Bkgrd-PC to the root of your c:\ drive.

  1. Open Photoshop (version 6 or higher).

  1. If the Action window is not already open, select Window | Show Actions from the menu.

  1. Load the action:

    1. Click in the upper-right corner of the Actions window and select Load Actions.
    2. Navigate to the action and select it:

c:\unzipped\Insight Browser Bkgrd-PC\Insight Browser Bkgrd-PC.atn

    1. Resume below at Running Insight Browser Background Action in Photoshop.

Installing the Insight Browser Background Action Script - Mac Users

  1. Locate the hqx file containing the action script on either "6.3 Upgrade" or "Server Components" CD's:


  1. Unstuff the contents into a temporary folder (eg: \unzipped).

  1. Copy the lnf directory from \unzipped\Insight Browser Bkgrd-MAC to your desktop.

  1. Open Photoshop (version 6 or higher).

  1. If the Action window is not already open, select Window | Show Actions from the menu.

  1. Load the action:

    1. Click in the upper-right corner of the Actions window and select Load Actions.
    2. Navigate to the action and select it:

\unzipped\Insight Browser Bkgrd-PC\Insight Browser Bkgrd-MAC.atn

    1. Resume below at Running Insight Browser Background Action in Photoshop.

Running Insight Browser Background Action in Photoshop
First-time users will already have Photoshop up and running with the Action window open from installing the action script (steps described above), but when returning to create a second background, the installation steps will not be necessary. For those users, follow the first two steps below.

  1. Start Photoshop (version 6 or higher) if it is not already running.

  1. If the Action window is not already open, select Window | Show Actions from the menu.

  1. Run the Insight Browser Background action by clicking at the bottom of the Action window. Follow the instructions. !worddav87d9d6136413c12d02a396aeb20ce11e.png|height=150,width=338!The foreground and background colors will be used to define graphics for the fill areas of the Insight screen beyond the graphic. Set the foreground color in Photoshop to the crosshair color, and the background color to the background color along the bottom and right edges of the graphic.

  1. To set the foreground color, zoom in on the background until the cross hairs are clearly visible. Click on the foreground square in the Foreground/Background tool. The Color Picker window will appear and the cursor will turn into an eyedropper. Click on the crosshair line. The color in the Color Picker window will change to this color. Press OK. The foreground square in the Foreground/Background Tool should now be the crosshair color.

  1. To set the background color, click on the background square in the Foreground/Background tool. The Color Picker window will appear and the cursor will turn into an eyedropper. Click on the intended background color, which should be consistent across the bottom and right edges of the graphic. The color in the Color Picker window will change to this color. Press OK. The background square in the foreground/background tool should now be the crosshair color. Note the RGB value (Red, Green, Blue), you will need it in step #2 of To Configure Custom Background for the Insight Java Client (if applicable). If you find that you have the foreground and background color reversed, you can switch them by pressing the double-headed arrow in the Foreground/Background tool.

  1. The script will begin slicing the background, and it will ask you where to store each slice. Navigate to and select the lnf directory.

Moving Background Graphical Elements to the Media Manager

The Insight Java Client and BrowserInsight get their backgrounds from the Media Manager. The backgrounds need to be brought under the Media Manager.
Insight 6.3's Collection Theme Tool stores backgrounds in collection-specific directories under:
<Media Manager installation directory>/media_manager/servlet/themes/

Moving Background Graphical Elements for the Insight Java Client and BrowserInsight

Move the lnf directory (containing the browser background slices) into the /themes/ directory, and rename it in a way that makes it easy to identify it with the collection (Dalton_lnf, for example). Copy the background into this directory.

Testing Background Graphical Elements in Media Manager

The Insight Java Client and BrowserInsight access their backgrounds via the Internet. It is easy to test the background elements directly with a browser, both to verify that the graphic file was created properly and to verify its URL.

Build the Collection Background Base URL

Since all background elements reside in the same directory, once the URL is built for one element, only the filename portion needs to be changed to access another element. The Collection Background Base URL should be built per the example below:
made up of:

    • The Domain – The server where Tomcat and Media Manager are installed. Use your domain.

    • The Tomcat Port – The port in use by Tomcat (preceded by a colon ":"). Though by default, Port 8081 is used, if another application is using 8081, you may have had to install to another port.

    • The "/themes/" Path – The Insight Collection Theme Tool builds backgrounds to this directory, you should, too.

    • Collection Level Directory – The background folder created for this collection under Moving Background Graphical Elements to the Media Manager.

Once the Collection Background Base URL is built, test each of the background elements by appending the following filenames in a browser.
Repeated below is the diagram of all browser background slices:

Test each of the following, and keep the URL for Configuring the Collection for a Custom Background (the next section):
For the Insight Java Client Background (if applicable)

  1. <your Insight Java Client background name>Java Client Background

For Browser Background (if applicable):

  1. gwtop_bg.jpgGW Top Background
  2. menu_bg.jpgMenu Background
  3. groupleft_bg.jpgGroup Left Background
  4. groupleft_bg_ns.jpgGroup Left Background NS (Netscape)
  5. gwbottom_bg.jpgGW Bottom Background
  6. groupright_bg.jpgGroup Right Background

Configuring the Collection for a Custom Background

Collections will display in Insight with the standard default background unless configured to use a custom background instead. Now that the background has been designed, moved to the Media Manager and tested, it is ready to be configured into the collection itself, using Administrator Tools.
Finding the Collection's Configuration

  1. Open Administrator Tools.

  1. Expand the Collections node.

  1. Locate the desired collection under the expanded Collections node.

  1. Connect to the collection:
    • Right-click it.
    • Select Connect.
    • Enter the Admin Username/Password.

  1. Select the Collection Configuration node. A table of Collection Configurations will appear on the right. In most cases, it contains only one entry.

  1. Open the Collection Configuration by either double-clicking it or:
    • Right-click it.
    • Select Edit.

The Collection Configuration window will pop up:

To Configure Custom Background for the Insight Java Client (if applicable)

  1. Select Edit Visual Attributes. The Visual Attributes Window will pop up:

  1. To set Background Color, press Choose Background Color. The Choose Background Color window will pop up. Set the RGB value with the value you noted (when setting the background color in Photoshop). Press OK.

  1. Set Background Image URL to the value tested in step 1 under For the Insight Java Client Background (if applicable) on page .

  1. Press Save to save your changes.

To Configure Custom Background for BrowserInsight (if applicable)

  1. Select Edit Browser Attributes. The Browser Attributes Window will pop up:

  1. Set Menu Background to the URL tested in step 3 under For Browser Background (if applicable) on page .
  2. Set Group Left Background to the URL tested in step 4 under For Browser Background (if applicable) on page .

  1. Set Group Left NS Background to the URL tested in step 5 under For Browser Background (if applicable) on page .

  1. Set Group Right Background to the URL tested in step 7 under For Browser Background (if applicable) on page .

  1. Set GW Bottom Background to the URL tested in step 6 under For Browser Background (if applicable) on page .

  1. Set GW Top Background to the URL tested in step 2 under For Browser Background (if applicable) on page .

  1. Press Save to save browser custom background changes.

Testing the Collection and its Custom Backgrounds

Open the collection using the Insight Java Client (if applicable). If it does not open with the new custom background, review your steps.
Open the collection using BrowserInsight (if applicable). If it does not open with the new custom background, review your steps. Check that all slices are correct (it is not uncommon to have a few of the filenames reversed).
NOTE: The Background Image is required for Browser Insight to function.