Working with Personal Insight Managers

Working with Personal Insight Managers

Personal Insight Managers are almost identical to Collection Managers. They use the same configuration files, store images in the same places, and function in very similar ways. Personal Collections, however, have fewer configurations and maintain less complex Catalog Templates.

Managing Personal Insight

Personal Insight Collections, like normal collections can be managed in the Administrator Tools. Also, within the Java Client, end users may change the collection description.

Creating a Custom Background Image for a Personal Collection

A custom background image for the Java Client and Browser can be specified in the Administrator Tools. For instructions on configuring a Personal Collections' background image, please see Collection Backgrounds in Insight 5 on page .

Creating Catalog Templates

Catalog Templates for Personal Insight can be created using Insight Studio exactly as Catalog Templates are created in normal collections. The main difference between Catalog Templates in Personal Collections and normal collections is that Catalog Templates for Personal Collection are flat. Regardless of the number of Field Groups you may add, all of them will be merged into the same record/form – as if they all reside within one Field Group within the data window.

Managing Personal Insight User Groups

User Groups in Insight logically organize users with a common set of permissions and privileges. User Groups in Personal Insight extend the normal use by allowing an administrator to organize access to a set of collections for a specific group of users. Users who have access to a Personal Insight User Group can (if they have permissions) see all of the Personal Collections created by any other user within that User Group.

Use Scenarios for Personal Insight User Groups

Scenario 1: Allowing a set of Users to see each other's Personal Collections

If you wish to allow a set of users to collaborate or share access to each other's Personal Collections, then assign all of the user's access to the same User Group. Next, ensure that each of them has the rights to create Personal Collections.

Scenario 2: Limiting access to Personal Collections to just the creator

If you wish to restrict a user to only see their own Personal Collection(s), then create one User Group for each User. Next, ensure that each of them has the rights to create Personal Collections.
NOTE: Any user that you want to grant Personal Collection creation to, needs to be added to the InsightLicensedNamedUsers.dat file located in the Personal Collection Manger folder on your server. Once added the Personal Collection Manager needs to be restarted to take effect.

Creating Personal Insight User Groups

As described above, administrators can create Personal Insight User Groups to organize users.
To create a new Personal Insight User Group:

  1. Open the Administrator Tools.
  2. Connect to your Personal Insight Manager.
  3. Open the Server Settings node.
  4. Click on the Personal Insight User Groups node.

  1. Right-Click on a Personal Insight User Group to create a new User Group, or select an existing one from the list on the left.

    1. Associate the User Group with a profile.
    2. Choose a Group Name and Code Key.
    3. Apply any IP Address Restrictions. (see Adjusting the IP Address Restrictions for a Collection on page for more information).
    4. Press Save.
  1. Connect to your User Manager and click on the User Groups node.
  2. Add a matching User Group to the one you created in your Personal Insight Manager.

Managing Personal Insight Rights (new in 5.5)

During the collection creation process and if you are the owner of the Personal Collection you can manage access rights to personal Insight Collections.

The rights are as follows:

  • Private (owner access only)
    • Only the creator of the collection will have access to the collection and content

  • Allow all User Group members read access
    • Grants other members of the owners User Group to access the collection

  • Allow anyone read access to your Personal Collection
    • Allows any one with access to your Personal Collection Manager access to your collection

  • Allow editing by owner
    • Only the creator of the Personal Collection can edit the contents of the Personal Collection

  • Allow editing by owner and User Group members
    • Allows anyone with access to the owners User Group the ability to edit the Personal Collections contents

  • Allow editing by everyone.
    • Anyone with access to the Personal Collection can edit the contents of the Personal Collection.

Once you have created your Personal Collection, you as the owner have the ability to make changes to the access privileges. Just edit your Personal Collection and choose Collection Properties from the File Menu.

Associating Users with a Personal Insight User Group

Once you have created the Personal Insight User Group, you can associate users with the User Group in either the Administrator tools or insight Studio.

  • For more information on using the Insight Studio to associate Users with User Groups, please see Adding a New User to an Existing Collection on page .
  • For more information on using the Administrator Tools to associate Users with User Groups, please see Adding Users and Managing Access to Insight Studio and the Administrator Tools on page .

    Moving a Personal Collection to a Different User Group (new in 5.5)

    In the Administrator Tools, connect to your Personal Collection Manager. You will see Access Control Settings under Collection Settings for your specific collection.
    Once selected you will see an entry in the right panel in the Administrator Tools.

    Right click on the entry or double click on it to edit the properties.

    In the Access Settings panel you can change the owner of the Personal Collection and the User Group. You can also change permissions to the Personal Collection and the editing rights.