A Guide to LUNA

A Guide to LUNA


Luna Imaging Inc.
Insight® + LUNA
LUNA 6.3
A Guide to LUNA

6.3.6 Revision

Luna Imaging Inc.

This document contains information proprietary to Luna Imaging, Incorporated (Luna). This document is provided to you as part of the Luna Imaging, Inc. licensed software and is governed under the same licensing restrictions that apply to that license. You may reproduce this documentation, which contains Luna Imaging, Inc. proprietary information for use within your organization. You may not disclose or distribute this documentation to third parties.
Even though Luna has tested the hardware and software and reviewed the documentation, Luna makes no warranty or representation, either express or implied, with respect to the hardware, software, or documentation, their quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. Luna has made every effort to keep the information in this manual current and accurate as of the date of publication or revision. However, Luna does not guarantee or imply that this document is error free or accurate with regard to any particular specification.
In no event will Luna be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any defect in the hardware, software, or documentation, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. In particular, Luna shall have no liability for any programs or data stored in or used with Luna products, including the costs of recovering such programs or data.
No Luna agent, dealer, or employee is authorized to make any modification, extension, or addition to the above statements.
All copyrights and trademarks belong to their respective holders. Insight and Inscribe are registered trademarks of Luna Imaging Inc.

?2012 luna imaging, inc.
2702 Media Center Drive
los angeles, california 90065
phone 800.452.LUNA (5862) • fax .323.908.1441

Table of Contents
Welcome to LUNA
LUNA Components are as follows:
Insight's Components are as follows:
What's New in Insight 6.3
What's New in Insight 6.2.2
What's new in Insight v6.2.1
What's new in Insight v6.2
Installing LUNA
Running the Installer
Serial Number
LUNA Application Configuration
Choose Install Set
My Uploads Server Only
Custom Install
Install Location
Specifying an Administrative Username and Password for LUNA
Institution Name
JBoss and Tomcat Setup
My Uploads Media Manager, Media Processor and the LUNA server
LUNA Configuration
Insight User Manager Address
Header Graphic Hyperlink
Personalized Footer
Enable Google ads
Enable End User Registration
Access LUNA Commons Collections
Share Select Collections with the LUNA Commons
Enable SSL for Login
Enable Google Analytics
Include File Data at the bottom of the Media Information panel
Enable CAPTCHA for multiple failed Logins
Facet Threshold
Custom Authenticator
Custom Shibboleth Authenticator
Access LUNA Commons Collections
LUNA Commons Server Address
Enter your Institution's Short Name and your Serial Number
Share Select Collections with the LUNA Commons
Google AdSense Configuration
SMTP Mail Server Setup
reCAPTCHA S etup Installing LUNA#_Toc314492433
Example of the normal and CAPTCHA login windows
Google Analytics Setup
LUNA Publisher Maintenance Setup
Choosing a Database Type
LUNA Database Information
Database Username and Password
Creating the LUNA Database
LUNA Graphics URL
LUNA Publisher Database Information
Database Username and Password
Creating the LUNA Publisher Database
Lucene Index Folders
LUNA Temp Files Location
LUNA Storage
Media Manager for My Uploads Storage Location
Start the Install Process
Starting LUNA and the LUNA Publisher
My Uploads Server testing
Testing the Media Manager
Testing the JPEG2000 Decoder
Adding Insight Content to LUNA
The LUNA Publisher
LUNA Theme Header Graphic
Let's Get Started
Publishing a Collection
Activating the Merge and Load task
Schedule URL Request
Testing your LUNA Collections
Changing Sorting of your Collections in LUNA
Migrating Insight Media Groups and Shares to LUNA
Migrating the Content
Steps for the Collection Level Group Migration
Steps for Migrating Insight Shares and Media Groups
Managing LUNA with the Administrator Tools
Managing User Rights and Access Privileges
LUNA Self Registration
Integrate with Active Directory Using Kerberos and LDAP
Integrate with LDAP
Advantages of LUNA Authentication Methods Not Available in Insight Java Client
LUNA's Escalating Collection Access
Credential Settings
User Settings
IP Ranges
Media Collections
Extended Collection Properties
Defaults for Multi Collection Access
All Collections Feature Media Group
Deleting a Collection from LUNA
Deleting a User from LUNA
Application Configuration
Maintenance Mode
Admin Accounts
Virtual Collections in LUNA
Updating your Insight Database
Preparing your Virtual Collection with the Administrator Tools
LUNA Commons
Adding LUNA Commons Content to your LUNA
Sharing your Content with the LUNA Commons
LUNA eCommerce
How to set it up
Books in LUNA: The new BookReader
Getting Started
Option 1: Create and Upload New BookReader Objects
Option 2: Represent Publicly Available BookReader Objects
Prepare LUNA and your collection for OAI-PMH