Adding Non-LUNA IIIF Collections

Adding Non-LUNA IIIF Collections

To add a non-LUNA IIIF collection using the Sharing tool, requires a IIIF Collection Share URL. This URL will be appended by a .json extenstion, for example:


There are two ways to obtain the IIIF Collection Share URL. You can find them under the Available Shared Collections tab (for a select group that have been sourced) or you can generate your own using the IIIF Manifests to Collection Utility (contact support@lunaimaging.com for assistance).

Using the example of getting the Share URL from the Available Shared Collections tab, start by selecting the collection you want to add and copy the Share URL

Next, go to the Shared Collection Tasks tab and click the Add and Schedule button. Paste the URL into the URL(IIIF Activity Stream or IIIF Collection) box.

The window above will close and you will now see a new window pop up with the Collection name and the number of items contained within the collection. Click on the collection name.

It will open up the previous window again to allow you to type in the Institution name into the box at the bottom. In this example, I typed in Yale University. The click the Schedule button.

The following prompt will appear. Click confirm to add the task

The last step will be to look for the collection in the Shared Collection Task List and click the Run Now button.

When the status reads “active”, the collection will be ready to add to the list of collections in the LUNA Viewer, by assigning the access permission for the collection to one or more credentials. Proceed to Credentials and Access Permissions in the Administrator for help.

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