IIIF Activity Streams for Old LUNA Commons

IIIF Activity Streams for Old LUNA Commons

Using the Sharing tool we’ve created a method that allows LUNA administrators to add public collections from outside sources to their own LUNA instance including collections that were originally part of the LUNA Commons. If you had collections from the LUNA Commons  prior to the v7.5 upgrade, you will need to add these collections again in order for the collections to display properly. Please note, you will not need to make changes to any of the Access Permissions or Credentials for the collections listed below as LUNA will automatically update them.

Here is the list of collections and the IIIF Activity Stream for each that you'll need to add following the instructions for adding shared collections:

The AMICA Library: https://amica.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/iiif/activitystreams/AMICO~1~1

Catena-Historic Gardens and Landscapes Archive: https://luna.lunacommons.org/luna/servlet/iiif/activitystreams/BardBar~1~1

David Rumsey Historical Map Collection: https://www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/iiif/activitystreams/RUMSEY~8~1

Estate Collection: https://luna.lunacommons.org/luna/servlet/iiif/activitystreams/ESTATE~2~1

Farber Gravestone Collection: https://farber.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/iiif/activitystreams/FBC~100~1

Hoover Institution Posted Collection: https://luna.lunacommons.org/luna/servlet/iiif/activitystreams/HOOVER~1~1

Japanese Historical Maps: https://japanmaps.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/iiif/activitystreams/RUMSEY~9~1

Pratt Institute Ex Libris Collection: https://luna.lunacommons.org/luna/servlet/iiif/activitystreams/PRATTPRT~21~21

Pratt Institute Fashion Plate Collection: https://luna.lunacommons.org/luna/servlet/iiif/activitystreams/PRATTPRT~12~12

Note: At this time the Museums and the Online Archive of California (MOAC) collection is not available to add as a shared collection. Please check back periodically for availability.

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