Adding Users & Granting Access

Adding Users & Granting Access

When adding users to LUNA, it's important to think about all the different access options you have. Perhaps you'd like Isabelle to be able to edit records from one collection but not another. Or let Pam export images at the highest resolution from the LUNA Viewer but not have access to the LUNA Collection Manager. This is all possible with credentials and access permissions.

Once a credential is assigned to the user, they should have the correct permissions and access levels to collections and the Independent Media Items. If they can't view a collection, edit records, etc. chances are there's a setting that needs to be fixed in the credential or access permission.

In a nutshell:

  • A user is assigned a credential.
  • A credential includes settings for: export; My Uploads; create or delete templates; create or delete collections; administrator access; and lists associated access permissions.
  • Access Permissions detail what level of access a user can have to a specific collection. For every collection you want a user to access they must be given an access permission for that collection.

On this page:

Super Admin

As it's title suggests, the "super admin" role is mostly reserved for those who need total access to the system. Only a select few should be made super admins.

A super admin is the only one who can access the "Application Configuration" tab, make other super admins, and edit passwords. The super admin and admin roles are assigned to a user in addition to a credential.

A super admin will also be able to see all collections in the LUNA Library without having to add those collections to their credential. This allows the super admin to login to the LUNA Library or Collection Manager and immediately get a sense of how many collections have been built and by whom. While the super admin can see all collections in the LUNA Library and Collection Manager, in order to see them in the LUNA Viewer the collections need to be added to their credential.


Registering with LUNA Viewer

The LUNA Viewer includes a "Register" feature. This is the simplest way for users to register an account. If registering this way, the user will be assigned the "Anonymous User" credential. Typically this credential will only include access to collections in the LUNA Viewer.

Since your audience accessing the LUNA Viewer could be very large you don't want to have to add these users yourself, so let them register for an account and the "Anonymous User" credential will automatically apply to them.

For granting access to the other LUNA tools you'll most likely want to be a Super Admin and register users via the LUNA Administrator. This process involves credentials and access permissions as explained below.

Granting Access with Credentials and Access Permissions

The first step in granting access to a user is to create that user in the Users tab.

The second step is to assign a credential to that user. Once a credential is assigned to the user, they should have the right permissions and access levels to collections and the Independent Media Items. If they are missing access to something, chances are there's a setting that needs to be fixed in the credential or the access permissions.

About Credentials

A credential is assigned to a user. The settings in a credential determine:

  • Allow export for LUNA Viewer
  • Allow My Uploads for LUNA Viewer
  • List of allowed file extensions for LUNA Viewer and LUNA Library
  • Ability to create, edit or delete templates in the Collection Manager
  • Ability to create, or delete collections in the Collection Manager (editing collection properties is collection specific and granting this permission is handled using an Access Permission as explained below).
  • Access to LUNA Administrator
  • Access to LUNA Publisher

You can create as many credentials as needed, and assign them to your users. You will always have an "Anonymous User" credential. This credential is automatically assigned to any user that registers an account with the LUNA Viewer. Typically this credential is for users who are mainly accessing the LUNA Viewer.


About Access Permissions

Access permissions are added to a credential. As described above the credential grants permission to certain LUNA tools and features, while an access permission pertains only to a specific collection and what a user can do with that collection.

Without an access permission a user cannot gain access to a collection in order to create, edit, or view it.

When a collection is made 5 default access permissions are created. You can think of these as representing different roles, from admin to restricted. So all you have to do is pick one of the 5 access permissions for a collection and add it to the credential. The settings for these 5 default access permissions are:

Dimensions for LUNA sizes 0-8:

LUNA SizesDimensions
Size 0

up to 96 pixels on long side

Size 1up to 192 pixels on long side
Size 2up to 384 pixels on long side
Size 3up to 768 pixels on long side
Size 4up to 1536 pixels on long side
Size 5up to 3072 pixels on long side
Size 6up to 6144 pixels on long side
Size 7up to 12288 pixels on long side
Size 8up to 24576 pixels on long side

Editing Access Permissions

There are 2 ways to edit an access permission.

  1. Go into the Access Permissions tab, highlight the one you wish to edit and click on "Edit Selected".
  2. While in the credential click on "Edit" for the access permission you wish to edit.

Tip: Since you can't edit the name of an access permission, simply create a new one if you need a name different than the default name created.

Note: Authorities are the only feature that are not automatically assigned to an access permission. By default a collection creator will have permission to read, add, edit, delete authorities. For all other users you'll need to manually assign the permission to the access permission for the collection.

Adding & Editing Users

The list of users is found in the Users tab. This list will display both active and non active users. Each user is assigned a User ID. You can quickly see which credential is assigned to that user, as well as their name, email address and the authentication method they are using. Use the search box to search for a specific user. Click on a user to select them, you can then edit the user's settings. You can also easily select or deselect all.

If you select more than one user, the only settings you can edit will be what credential they are assigned to and whether or not they are active. Simply click on "Create new user" to add a new user.

Note: Only a Super Admin can create or edit passwords for a user. However, if you are not a Super Admin but still need to add a user account with a username and password there are 2 options:

  1. If you have disabled the "Register" feature in the LUNA Viewer create the user in the User tab and then point the user to the "Forgot Password?" page in the LUNA Viewer. The user can then ask for a temporary password and then re-set the password to one they choose.

  2. Ask your users to register their account with the LUNA Viewer, this way they will create their user/pass combination.
If you're using a 3rd party authentication system like LDAP you don't have to worry about the account creation.


Example 1: "Anonymous User" credential.

As explained above, you will always have an "Anonymous User". This is the default credential and is the one automatically assigned to users who register an account via the LUNA Viewer. Typically this credential is used only to grant access to specific collections in the LUNA Viewer.

In this credential the anonymous user will be able to:

  • export from the LUNA Library;
  • use the My Uploads feature in the LUNA Library;
  • upload specific file formats via My Uploads;
  • have General* access to 3 collections (Archivision Module 7; Landscape Architecture in Roman Times; and Spanish Architecture).

Example 2: Collection Administrator credential

In this credential the user will be able to:

  • export from the LUNA Library;
  • use the My Uploads feature in the LUNA Library;
  • upload specific file formats via My Uploads;
  • create, edit and delete collections;
  • create, edit and delete templates;
  • access the LUNA Administrator;
  • access the LUNA Publisher;
  • have Admin* access to 3 collections (Archivision Module 7; Landscape Architecture in Roman Times; and Spanish Architecture) and the Independent Media Items.

*General and Admin are profiles defined in the Access Permissions section above


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