IP Ranges

IP Ranges

You can use the IP address a user is coming in on to assign them a credential. This is handy if you know the IP addresses your users will be coming in on. For instance, at a university all the students using the school network to connect will only have a specific IP address or IP range they could connect with. You can then assign those users the credential you would like all the students to have. Then if someone tries to connect from outside the network they would be assigned a lesser credential or even the most restricted credential depending on how you want to design it.

Location - This is a note for you to keep track of what you are assigning.

Start IP - This is the lowest number in the IP range you want to include.

End IP -  This is the highest number in the IP range you want to include. This could be the exact same number as Start IP if you want to only specify one exact IP address.

Minimal Client Side - If set to true it tells the client to not use any image opening animations, it is no frills. Uses less cpu on client machine.

If you want to assign a range of IPs start with the lower number and end with the higher number address. If you want to specify a single IP address put it in both Start IP and End IP.

Supose you want everyone on a university campus to be able to see most of the collections but not be able to export at a high resolution. You also want everyone that connects from the library building to be able to export at max resolution and see the special Library Collection that normal campus users cant see. And you also have Timmy, who does all your cartography and collection annotations for you and needs full access to everything (just not super admin). You might set that up like this:


Credential 1 is for Anonymous users. This is anyone not in the defined IP ranges so coming from off campus. They have access to only 1 public collection.

Credential 2 is for Campus Users. This covers 512 IP addresses ( and Credential 2 is set so allow access to all the collections except Library Collection.

Credential 3 is for Library users. This covers 11 IP addresses for the kiosks in the Library. These users have access to all the collections.

Credential 4 is for Timmy. This credential is set to give full editing access to all collections but not Super Admin.


In addition to automatically supplying credentials to users based on IP addresses you can also create Users with passwords that can log in and will be assigned credentials based on the credential assigned to that user.

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