Replace the default iiif logo
By default a logo is delivered with all IIIF manifests. In 7.5+ it looks like the following.
With LUNA Sharing in 7.5.1+ this image is used to track remote use of your content in Google Analytics
You can replace this file on the LUNA server but it can be tricky because of the required location of the file.
Each upgrade of LUNA will replace this file with the default
So we have a fairly simple way to update this file from the LUNA Collection Manager.
Make a graphic that represents your institution that fits in an 80 pixels square. Save it as png file with the name LUNAIIIF80.png
Go to the Collection Manager in LUNA and select
Choose Select File
Select the upload icon
Next on the server side you will need to copy the file from the graphics folder LunaImaging/7.x/LUNA/graphics/LUNAIIIF80.png to the LunaImaging/7.x/LUNA/tomcat/luna_apps/luna.war/images/LUNAIIIF80.png folder.
A good way to automate this process is to modify your crontab and have it do this every 15 minutes with rsync. So even after upgrades the file will be updated and you only need to change it using the Collection Manager in the future.
*/15 * * * * rsync -av /home/lunaadmin/LunaImaging/7.x/LUNA/graphics/LUNAIIIF80.png /home/lunaadmin/LunaImaging/7.x/LUNA/tomcat/luna_apps/luna.war/images/LUNAIIIF80.png