Adding Archivision to LUNA 7
You must be a licensed subscriber to Archivision's content and using LUNA 7.
Here is how to add Archivision's Module 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 or 14 to LUNA 7.
Add an entry into your InsightStudio.dat file for the Archivision User Manager (authentication server). Place it below your existing entry. It will give you a drop down menu when you launch Studio.
UserServerAddress2 =
Once studio is launched and you have selected the archivision authentication server, login with your short name and LUNA 7 serial number.
short name =
LUNA 7 serial number =
Once logged in you can publish the collection. Attached is a screenshot of the settings to use. Make sure you choose the appropriate User Group to the Archivision version you are installing or upgrading to.
You can do a normal publish like in LUNA version 6. Also remember you need to limit your export resolution to Size 4 1536 pixels for this collection if you do not own the Archivision images.
Post LUNA Publish
If you already have Module 8 or 9+ you must follow up with a script that will update your LUNA database so the groups and presentations and other content refer to Module 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 15.
Edit your credentials in the LUNA Administrator to include the new module and remove the old module.