Adding Closed Captions to a video

Adding Closed Captions to a video


This process requires you to have a vtt file which is Web Video Text Tracks (WebVTT) format. This document does not describe how to make vtt files just how to load them into LUNA.

 Export Source/Associated File(s).   You must have this permission in your Access Permission for the collection or be a super user

  1. Load your mp4 file into LUNA as usual in the Uploader
  2. Add the vtt as an associated file to that video 
  3. After the vtt file has been loaded, you will need to get the Direct link URL to the vtt file. You will find this in the Info panel in the Media Item Editor.
  4. Next you will need to add two custom fields to the Media Item.
    1. Field: caption_label_en
      With the value: English
    2. Field: caption_src_en
      With the value: <The URL to the vtt file>
  5. Turn on "Display in Data" for the "Custom Data Fields" using the Collection Manager for this collection.

    Media Item Metadata Settings
    Look for
    Media Metadata Options:

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