Installing Insight

Installing Insight

This section will walk you though every step of installing and configuring the Insight server components from scratch. (For information about installing the client applications, see Repackaging & Adv anced Configuration of the Insight Client Applications Repackaging & Advanced Configuration of the Insight Client Applications.) By the end of this section, you should have a fully working version of Insight and be able to build collections.
NOTE: Please note that there is plenty of useful information throughout this document, so you will most likely want to use it as a reference in the future.

Installation Process

The installation process is broken down into five stages:

  1. Create Databases
  2. Install Insight
  3. Configure & Test Installation
  4. Configure components to run as services
  5. Run Insight Studio


Before installing Insight, you should make sure that you have reviewed this entire section and completed the pre-install checklist, prepared your database, and planned for the disk storage requirements for Insight.

Choosing the Features you Plan to Install

If you have not already, please decide which features you plan to install. By default the installer will install the following:

  • Insight User Manager
  • Insight Collection Manager
  • Tomcat 5
  • BrowserInsight
  • Insight Media Manager
  • Insight Administrator Tools

Optionally, the installer allows you to separately install:

  • Insight Studio
  • Personal Insight Manager
  • Insight XML Gateway

Suggested Installation Methodology

As the Suite Installer will configure all of the Insight server components as it runs, it is suggested that for ease of configuration in the future you install ALL components, even if you do not plan to implement them right away.
NOTE:After Installation you will be required to activate the product by obtaining a license key and copying it into the main License-Files directory.

Space Requirements

There are three main disk storage requirements for the Insight server components. Storage must be allocated for:

  • The installed application
  • The database
  • The media (Images, Video and Audio).

Space for Installation

Depending on the specific features installed, the Insight server components will use between 200MB and 500MB.

Space for Images and Multimedia

Before you install Insight, ensure that you have enough storage set aside for images to support the growth of your collection. Insight uses a set of JPEGs for lower resolution images and a wavelet compressed image format to manage its high-quality images. Wavelet images are compressed with a ratio that varies from 15:1 to 30:1, based on the size and other qualities of the image. To estimate the space necessary for images in a collection, assume that a 20MB TIFF file (containing detail roughly equivalent to a 35mm slide) will take up 1-2MB of space, while a 70MB TIFF file (roughly equivalent to a 4x5 Color Transparency) will take up 5-7MB.
NOTE:Multimedia files (Audio, Video, & QTVR) will not be altered during processing and will remain the same size on your server.

Space for the Database

We suggest that you start by allocating 500MB per Insight collection or Personal Insight database, and 50MB for the Insight User Manager database.

Pre-Installation Checklist

Below is a checklist for all of the information necessary to perform a complete installation of the server. It is strongly suggested that you complete the checklist before beginning your installation.
NOTE: Topics discussed in the checklist will be covered throughout this chapter. It may be helpful to print out the checklist and keep it for future reference and ease of completion.

Obtaining the Hostname

Insight comes with a simple utility that will allow you to obtain the hostname of your server. The utility is located in \utilities\check_hostname. Please execute checkHostname.cmd (for Windows) or checkHostname.sh (for UNIX/Linux) on the server where you will be installing the Insight server components.

Table 2: Pre-Installation Checklist

General Information


Installation Location:


Insight Administrator Username:


Insight Administrator Password:


NOTE: This username and password will be needed to administer the User Manager, Collection Manager, and Personal Insight Manager. It will also be used in Insight Studio and the Administrator Tools. You may want to Choose a name that reflects this privilege level.


Institution ID:


User Manager


User Manager Address:


NOTE: This should be a fully qualified Hostname, not an IP


Database Type:

MSSQL Server 7+ __ Oracle 8, Oracle 9+ __MySQL 4.1 ____

Database Hostname / IP:


Database Port:


Common Ports (MSSQL 1433, Oracle: 1521, MySQL 3306)


Database Username:


Database Password:


Database Name / SID Name


(SID is for oracle)


Database Service Name (Windows only):


Collection Manager


Database Type:

MSSQL Server 7+ __ Oracle 8, Oracle 9+ __MySQL 4.1 ____

Database Hostname / IP:


Database Port:


Common Ports (MSSQL 1433, Oracle: 1521, MySQL 3306)


Database Username:


Database Password:


Database Name / SID Name:


(SID is for oracle)


Database Service Name (Windows only):


Personal Insight Manager


Database Type:

MSSQL Server 7+ __ Oracle 8, Oracle 9+ __MySQL 4.1 ____

Database Hostname / IP:


Database Port:


Common Ports (MSSQL 1433, Oracle: 1521, MySQL 3306)


Database Username:


Database Password:


Database Name / SID Name:


(SID is for oracle)


Database Service Name (Windows only):




Tomcat Hostname:


NOTE: This is commonly the same as the User Manager Address


Tomcat Port


Media Manager:


Media Storage Location:


NOTE: The Hostname information for Collection Manager will be used for registering your license key.


Setting up your Database

Please ensure that your database server is installed and is running properly before you continue. During Insight's installation process, the Suite Installer will create the database tables, indexes, and keys necessary to run Insight. Therefore, you must create the databases and tablespaces for Insight's server components before running the installer. Please review the following section for information on creating the Insight Databases.

Microsoft SQL Server

For Microsoft SQL Server, you will need to create a database for each component of Insight you plan to install. To run the installer, the MSSQLSERVER and SQLSERVERAGENT services must be running. It is also highly recommended that you create a Login in Microsoft SQL Server for Insight and grant the Login the following roles in the Insight Database:

  • public
  • db_owner

Table 3: Microsoft SQL Server Database Creation Worksheet


Database Name

Insight User

Insight User Manager



Insight Collection Manager



Personal Insight Manager



Enabling SQL Authentication

By default, Microsoft SQL Server ships with "OS based authentication", i.e. authenticating using Windows-based authentication. Insight, however, requires SQL Authentication to be enabled. Prior to enabling SQL Authentication, check with your DBA to ensure that this will not affect other systems.
To enable SQL Authentication on Microsoft SQL Server:

  1. Launch the Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Console.
  1. Locate the entry for your server (if you have more than one).

  1. Right-click on your server in the tree and choose Properties.

  1. Select the security settings tab and change the default authentication method from "Windows Only" to "SQL Server and Windows" (supporting both Windows and SQL authentication methods).

  1. Restart SQL server.

Figure 4: Enabling SQL Server & Windows Authentication for Microsoft SQL Server


For Oracle, you will need to create a tablespace, a temporary tablespace and a user for each of the Insight server component you wish to install. You can create the tablespaces in Oracle's "Enterprise Manager Console". If you do not have access or do not know about creating tablespaces, please contact your Oracle DBA.
For the User Manager, the tablespace should be 50MB in size with equal temporary space. For the Collection Manager and Personal Insight Manager, the tablespace and temp tablespace should be 500MB in size to start.
Once you have created the tablespaces, create a user for each tablespace, grant the user default access to the corresponding tablespace, and also grant the user the following role: Connect.
NOTE: If you need to access your database tables via Oracle's Enterprise Manager, you will need to add the Select Any Dictionary system privilege to the user.
NOTE: Once you have Insight system up and running and have added some data to the system, it is recommended that you perform analysis to generate statistics on your database and do this periodically as your database grows. This will help to ensure your insight platform is operating in an optimal environment.
NOTE:Future upgrade scripts may require the Resource role as well. Optionally, you may choose to grant the user this role to simplify the process in the future.
Table 4: Oracle Database Creation Worksheet


Oracle User

Oracle Tablespace

Tablespace Size

Temp Tablespace

Insight User Manager



50MB (suggested)


Insight Collection Manager



1GB (suggested)


Personal Insight Manager



1GB (suggested)


NOTE: Be aware of the default character set and collation of your oracle instance. We suggest either ISO8859-1, LATIN-1, or Unicode by default as it will properly support special characters and other content in Insight.

UNICODE (UTF-8) Support

If you intend to catalog content in other languages than English, you will need to setup Oracle to use the UTF Character Set. Specifically, the Oracle Instance should be setup with the NLS_CHARACTERSET value of "UTF8". This will ensure that the database is properly configured and setup.
NOTE: Unicode characters take up twice as much space as Non-Unicode characters, hence, you will need to allocate extra space.

MySQL 4.1

For MySQL 4.1, you will need to create a schema for each Insight server component you wish to install. It is also strongly suggested that you create a user specifically for Insight to use to connect to the database.
Table 5: MySQL Database Creation Worksheet


Schema Name

Insight User

Insight User Manager



Insight Collection Manager



Personal Insight Manager



Backing Up Your Databases

It is good practice to back up your databases on a regular basis. We suggest using the following procedure:

  • daily backup of the database is rotated on a 3 day cycle
  • once a week, a backup is set aside and saved for a month
  • the first backup of every month is saved for a year
  • perform specific backups before major operations such as applying patches or major data import / update procedures.
  • WARNING: It is important to run regular backups and to test your backup system.

Installing on Windows

It is suggested that you run the installer while on console. If you are running the installer through PC Anywhere, VNC, or Terminal Services, the installer may not launch properly.

Installing on Solaris or Linux

It is suggested that you create a specific user in a Linux or Solaris environment for Insight and run the application as that user. As Insight contains a number of components, all of which interact with each other, this simplifies rights issues as well as provides organization to the installation.
NOTE: It is STRONGLY recommended that you install and configure Insight as the SAME USER that will be running Insight on the server.

Running the Insight Suite Installer

All Insight 6.3 Server components are installed from a single Suite Installer. Individual components may be included or excluded from the installation process via checkboxes. If you need to install components later, then you can run the Suite Installer again, choose "Custom" installation and select the specific components you wish to install.
NOTE: Plan to spend approximately an hour running the installer. Complete the checklist before running the installer.

Where to Find the Installer

The Insight Suite Installer can be found in the suite_install directory of CD1. The installers are platform-specific and separated into directories specific to each platform.

Running the Installer

To run the installer, double-click on the installServerSuite executable appropriate to your platform. Please note, the installer is around 100MB, so it may take a few minutes to initially load.

NOTE: The Installer is GUI-based and will require an X-Windows environment on any UNIX based system.

Selecting an Installation Type

The Insight Suite Installer allows you to perform either a "Typical" or a "Custom" installation.

Performing a Typical Installation

"Typical" installation includes User Manager, Collection Manager, Media Manager, Insight Studio, an optimized version of Tomcat, and BrowserInsight.

Performing a Custom Installation

"Custom" installation allows you to choose a subset of the above components, and allows selection of the XML Gateway and Personal Insight products.

Choosing an Installation Location

The Installation of the Insight server components can take up to 300MB, please plan accordingly when installing the server components.

Creating a Shortcut Folder

The installer can create a series of links to the server components and documentation on install. Please choose the location you would like to create these in. On Windows, the default is a "Luna Imaging" program group.

Configuring the Server Components

The installer will now walk you through configuring the insight server components. Before proceeding, you should have:

  • Created the databases for the insight server components
  • Completed the installation checklist

Selecting a User Manager Address

The Insight User Manager provides authentication and authorization services for all of the Insight Components. In order to run properly, many of these components, including BrowserInsight and the Java Clients need to communicate with the Insight User Manager. The User Manager Address, therefore, should be a Fully-Qualified Domain Name address that anyone can access from anywhere. The User Manager Address identified here will be used throughout the installer to configure the rest of your components.

NOTE: Luna suggests you choose a fully-qualified DNS resolvable Hostname as opposed to an IP Address to provide more flexibility in the installation and management.

Specifying an Administrative Username and Password for Insight

Insight requires you to specify an administrative username and password. This username and password will be used for authentication within the Insight Administrator Tools and Insight Studio. Users with this username and password have access to tools that can create / delete collections and make major modifications to Insight's configuration, so be careful who it is shared with.
NOTE: This password is not encrypted. Do not use your network or system administrator password.

Specifying an Institution ID

The Institution ID is used in the User Manager to help differentiate shared collections. Specify a value that would be unique to your institution. This is commonly your institution's name or an abbreviation (up to 8 characters).

Choosing a Database Type

The installer is designed to connect to your database server, create database tables, fields and indexes for your Collection Manager, User Manager, and Personal Insight Manager. Please choose the database type you wish to use. The information you identify here will be used to configure Insight.

NOTE: If you have not yet created the databases for the Insight server components you plan to Install, please review "Setting up your Database on page " for more information.

Configuring Tomcat 5.0

Insight is bundled with a customized version of Apache's Tomcat 5. This version of Tomcat has been configured with most of the default servlets disabled and a customized set of configuration files.

If you would like to use your own version of Tomcat (or Caucho's Resin), please enter the HOSTNAME and PORT for your version of Tomcat or Resin so that the installer can configure all Insight Components with this information. When you have completed your installation, please see the "Using a Standalone Application Server with the Insight Servlet Components" document for more information.

Choosing a Hostname and Port for Tomcat

To properly configure Tomcat, you must specify the port you wish Tomcat to run on. The default is port 8081 – but if you are currently running Tomcat or another application on port 8081 you will need to choose another port to avoid a conflict.

Review your Tomcat & User Manager Settings

Please review your Tomcat and User Manager hostnames and ports. This information is populated throughout all of Insight's configuration files.

Configuring the Media Manager

The Insight Media Manager provides access to all of Insight's media and runs as a servlet within Tomcat. To configure the Media Manager, you must specify the location where you wish to store all of your media.

Specifying a Media Directory

Specify a directory for media content. The Media Manager will place all processed media files from Personal Insight and Insight Studio in this directory.

Configuring the Collection or Personal Insight Manager

To configure the Collection Manager or Personal Insight Manager, you must first specify the appropriate information so that the installer can connect to the database. This information will be saved in the Insight Collection Manager and/or Personal Insight Manager's configuration file (InsightServer.dat).

NOTE: Each Collection Manager or Personal Insight Manager has its own InsightServer.dat file.

Choosing Catalog Template(s)

The installer can optionally install a set of catalog templates based on the VRA Core v3 and Dublin Core Data Models.

Database Information

Provide the information necessary to connect to your database, including the hostname, database name (SID Name if you're using Oracle), and database port. The installer will offer default values based on information provided earlier. Review the defaults (and change them as needed).

Database Username and Password

Please specify the username and password for your database. This is the username and password that Insight should use to connect to the database.

Name your Server and Choose a Port

Please provide a name and short name for your Collection Manager. The name will be used to identify the Collection Manager in the User Manager and will be visible to end-users. The short name is used internally to identify directories related to this Collection Manager. Choose a port for your Collection or Personal Insight. The Default port is 3070 for a Collection Manager and 3080 for Personal Insight. However, if you have more than one Collection Manager, you should increment the port on the new Collection Manager so that it does not match any other.
NOTE: The server short name is used to create the folder for the Collection Manager.

Testing the Database Connection

The installer will now test the database connection. If it can connect to the database, it will check for an existing installation of Insight.

  • WARNING: the installer will DROP ALL INSIGHT TABLES once it has connected, so be sure that you are not installing over an existing version of Insight. (The installer will warn you again before it actually drops any tables.)

Creating the Insight Collection Manager Database

Once the installer has tested the connection, it will present you with the database creation script window. Click "Run Script" to create the Insight tables and indexes.

NOTE: The installer will not let you continue until it has successfully created the database tables.

Once the installer has run, it will either print "SQL Executed Successfully" or print error messages in RED. Please review error messages before continuing. Common reasons for errors include:

  • there is not enough space in the database
  • the tablespace
  • the user does not have rights to create tables, indexes and keys
  • there are not enough cursors available in the Database (Oracle)
  • SQL Authentication is not enabled (MSSQL). You may also see "Not Associated with a Trusted SQL Server connection" (might simply mean you need to restart SQL server).

NOTE:If you would like to maintain a log of the installer's database actions, or need to send an error to LUNA, you can copy the text from the installer log.

Configuring the User Manager

To configure the User Manager, you must first specify the appropriate information so that the installer can connect to the database. This information will be saved in the Insight User Manager's configuration files (InsightUserServer.dat).

Database Information

Provide the information necessary to connect to your database, including the hostname, database name (SID Name if you're using Oracle), and database port. The installer will offer default values based on information provided earlier. Review the defaults (and change them as needed).

Database Username and Password

Please specify the username and password for your database. This is the username and password that Insight should use to connect to the database.

Testing the Database Connection

The installer will now test the database connection. If it can connect to the database, it will check for an existing installation of Insight.

  • WARNING: the installer will DROP ALL INSIGHT TABLES once it has connected, so be sure that you are not installing over an existing version of Insight. (The installer will warn you again before it actually drops any tables.)

Creating the Insight User Manager Database

Once the installer has tested the connection, it will present you with the database creation script window. Click "Run Script" to create the insight tables and indexes.

NOTE: The installer will not let you continue until it has successfully created the database tables.

Once the installer has run, it will either print "SQL Executed Successfully" or print error messages in RED. Please review error messages before continuing. Common reasons for errors include:

  • there is not enough space in the database
  • the tablespace
  • the user does not have rights to create tables, indexes and keys
  • there are not enough cursors available in the Database (Oracle)
  • SQL Authentication is not enabled (MSSQL). You may also see "Not Associated with a Trusted SQL Server connection"

Configuring BrowserInsight

BrowserInsight is the web interface for Insight and runs as a servlet within Tomcat. To configure BrowserInsight, you must specify the User Manager it should use for authenticating users. By default, this will be set to the address specified when you installed earlier.

User Manager Address

Please enter your User Manager Address.

Configuring the XML Gateway

The XML Gateway provides a method for accessing Insight content from any XML-aware application and runs as a servlet within Tomcat. Once the XML Gateway has been installed, you will need to configure with information about how to connect to your User Manager. For more information on configuring the XML Gateway, please see Configuring the XML Gateway on page .

Final Review

Before continuing, please review the installation choices one last time.

Installing Files

At this point, the Insight Database(s) have been created and configured, but no files have been installed. Press "Install" to install and configure the server components.

Registering Insight and Requesting Your License Key

Insight 6.3 integrates the licensing and registration of the server products into the installer.

Complete the Registration Form

Registration Status

Once complete, the installer will present you with a registration ID. Luna will email you a license key for all of the products you installed within a short period of time.

Completing the Install

After the installer has finished, each of the installed server components should be started in console mode to ensure that they are working properly. Once you have logged-in successfully and tested the configuration, you will complete installation by configuring each component to run as a service.


If you did not complete registration during the installation and would like to register online, you can access the form at the following URL.
Once you have completed the form with your contact information. Luna will contact you with a license key for your product. If you have any questions, please contact mailto:licensing@luna-img.com or call (800) 452-LUNA.

Installation Errors

If your installer has an error during the install process you will receive the following panel indicating an error has occurred. Press the Done button, and then go to the installation directory to review the Insight_Server_Suite_6.3_InstallLog.log. This log will indicate where a failure may have occurred. If you are unsure about what the error reported, please forward the report to Luna Imaging's Support department: mailto:LunaSupport@lunaimaging.com.

Next Steps for a New Installation

  1. Testing the server components and connecting to the Collection and User Managers for the first time with Insight Studio (see page ).

  1. Configuring the server components to run as services under Windows and Linux (please see page ).

  1. Packaging and Distributing the Java Client (please see page ).
  1. Building your first collection (please see the Insight Administrative Guide)

Next Steps when adding a new Collection or Personal Insight Manager

  1. Testing the server components and connecting to the Collection and User Managers for the first time with Insight Studio (please see page ).

  1. Adding a reference to a new Collection Manager or Personal Insight Manager in your User Manager.
  1. Configuring the server components to run as services under Windows and Linux (please see page ).

  1. Packaging and Distributing the Java Client (please see page ).

  1. Building your first collection (please see the Insight Administrator Guide).