Enabling Media File Deletion

Enabling Media File Deletion

By default the Insight Media Manager does not delete Media off of the server. To enable media deletion, follow the directions below.

  1. Edit the MediaManager.dat located in the "media_manager" directory of the installation directory.

  1. Locate the following section.


  1. MediaSecurityKey - The security key used by the Media Manager.
  2. This security key must be the same in both the
  3. collection server and media security servlet environments.
    MediaSecurityKey =
  4. MediaDeleteEnabled - If set to 1, the media security servlet will delete media
  5. from server when users delete media from client applications.
  6. The default value is 0 (does not delete media from server)
    MediaDeleteEnabled = 0
  7. Enter a value for the MediaSecurityKey property

  1. Change MediaDeleteEnabled to 1.

  1. Save the file.

  1. Edit the InsightServer.dat located in your the Collection_Manager directory.

  1. Locate the following section.


  1. MediaSecurityKey - The security key used by the Media Manager.
  2. This security key must be the same in both the
  3. collection server and media security servlet environments.
    MediaSecurityKey =
  4. Enter a matching value for the MediaSecurityKey property.

  1. Save, then restart your Collection Manager and Tomcat.