This section describes the steps involved in adding content to your collection if your media has already been cataloged and a data file exists for your content. To do this, import data first.
Importing Data
By importing catalog data before media, you can quickly and easily link data records to associated media files using Insight Studio.
- After publishing a new collection, click the Import Data button in the Task Menu to start importing catalog data for your collection.
- In the Import Descriptive Data page, type the location of the existing data file on your file server in the File Name field or browse for the file by clicking the folder button.
- You must select the Character set and Delimiter properties appropriate for your data file.
Data that uses new-line characters, in the form of paragraphs or carriage-returns such as the delimiter, will cause issues in data import, preventing Insight from importing complete data records. If the data being imported into Insight has new-line characters, it must be pre-processed to ensure the new-lines or paragraphs are properly imported. See the Administration Guide for instructions on how to format data that uses such carriage returns as the delimiter.
You can review your collection's catalog template structure before importing new data by clicking the button. You can also use this exported file as a model for the data to be imported into your collection. This ensures that your data import file correctly fits the structure of the catalog template you selected when creating your collection and as well as the properties selected for the data file you will import.
The correct order of fields used in your collection's catalog template will be generated. These fields will be separated in the exported file by whatever delimiter you select in this step. For our relational data example, the generated file, opened with Excel, will look like:
- Click Next.
- Review the automatic mappings generated between your data file and the catalog template you selected when creating your new collection. The field headers from your data file (listed in the column Source Column Name) should match the field headers from the catalog template you selected for your collection (listed in the column Target Insight Field).
- If a column header (or field title) in your data does not match a field in the catalog template you selected for your collection, you will see <MISSING MAPPING> in the Target Insight Field column for that field title.
For example, if you selected the Simple Label template when creating your collection but your data file uses the term "Name" instead of the catalog template's term "Title," this inconsistency would appear as:
- Click <MISSING MAPPING> where it appears in the Target Insight Field column to select the correct field name from the pull-down menu. The menu contains a list of fields in the catalog template used for your collection. Select the field most appropriate for the corresponding field of data in your imported file.
All fields in your catalog template will appear in the pull-down menu of fields as options for your missing mapping value but fields in the collection's primary record type may only be chosen once for mapping.
You may also select <SKIP> to disregard a field that is missing its mapping value. Doing this will ignore the field of data and it will not appear in your collection.
- Click Next.
- Review settings and click Finish.
Importing Media
After you have finished importing your data, click the
- Click New to create a new batch. A batch represents a group of media items imported at the same time. The batch in the left panel will show the date and time it was created. If you do not create a new batch, a batch will be automatically generated whenever you add content to the Process List in one of the two options listed below.
Imported images can be deleted by entire batch, as well as individually, so importing your media in several batches is a good way to assure easier changes to your collection in the future.
- Media files can be imported to your collection in one of two ways:
- You can drag files from where they are stored on your file system and drop them onto the Process List panel to the right of the Batch panel.
- You can find the media files you want by clicking Browse and importing them from your file system to the Process List.
The Process List will show you the files you have selected for import.
You can delete media items in the Process List by selecting the row in the right panel and clicking Delete below the Process List panel. You can also delete the entire batch by selecting the batch in the left panel and clicking Delete below the Batch panel.
- Once the Process List contains the files you wish to import, click Import. A status message will appear to indicate Pending, Processing, Uploading, or Complete for each file. When the entire batch has been processed completely Finished Importing Media will appear at the top.
- After importing media, click the Linking tab if you would like to link these media files to records in an imported data file.
- To link media to data records create a tab-delimited text file in which the first column shows your media file names and the second column shows a linking value from your cataloging data. The two values are separated by a tab character. In the example below, the linking value in the second column is the ObjectID field from the collection's catalog data.
Note: The field you choose as the linking value must be a field in the primary Field Group/Record Type. For example in Insight's version of Dublin Core it would be "Identifier".
The value taken from your catalog data for the mapping text file must match exactly.
- Click Use External Mapping file and select the mapping file you created in the Mapping File Path field.
- Define the Mapping Field Name from the pull-down menu. The menu contains all fields in the catalog template you selected when creating your collection. This should be the value in the second column of your mapping text file. If the mapping is correct, a preview will appear below.
There are two reasons why a preview might not appear:
- There is an inconsistency between the file names listed in the first column and the actual file names you have imported. This includes file names, file extension types, and any inconsistencies between the use of lower and upper-case letters.
- There is a formatting issue with your mapping file (either columns are mixed up, the values are not separated by a tab character, or the file was not saved as a tab-delimited text file).
- Click Apply Links.
- Click the Review tab to review thumbnails of your imported images and the links to imported data.
- Check for any missing links before proceeding.
Other inconsistencies that may later affect successful linking include an incorrect mapping field name selected in the Define field containing mapping values section or an inconsistency between the linking value in your mapping file and the corresponding data in your imported data file.
- If your links are correct, click the Publish tab.
- Move all unpublished media from the current batch into the Published Media table for processing by clicking Select All Unpublished Media and then clicking the button. Move media objects back to the Unpublished Media table by selecting them and clicking the button.
- Click Apply Changes to publish media with mapped data to your Insight collection.
Review your collection in Insight.
If you import media before you import data, you must return to the import media area to apply links in the Linking tab or your content will not appear in Insight. If your media was not linked correctly your content will not appear in Insight.