Creating & Editing Collection Properties

Creating & Editing Collection Properties

To build a collection, begin in the "Collection" tab of the Collection Manager. Click on the "New Collection" button and start creating the properties for that collection. You can easily edit these collection properties any time, even if a collection is already published and displaying in the LUNA Viewer.

Collection Properties:

  • Collection Name: Give your collection a name, you may use up to 50 characters including spaces.

  • Collection Description: The description appears in the LUNA Viewer on the collection selection page.

  • Data Schema: This is a very important part of your collection building process. Each record in a collection will be based on the structure of the data schema you select. Every data schema is based on a data template. Use the pull down menu to select an existing data template. If you're just starting out and there are no templates to select from, go to the Templates tab and create one. If you'd like to use a variation of an existing template, click on "edit" and edit the schema. Edits to a schema will not be made to the actual template you've selected; you're just making changes to a version that is attached to the collection. After you save the collection properties you cannot change which schema is being used. 

  • Header Graphic: Upload a custom header graphic to better brand your collection. This will appear in the LUNA Viewer. The graphic needs to be 1625 x 66 and should fit the theme being used by fading to a solid color on the right of the graphic (R=133, G=124, B=117 or the hex is #857C75). If you prefer, you can enter a URL that points to the graphic instead. Note: Make sure the file name for the graphic has no special characters or spaces. For example, mylunaheader.jpg will work but my(luna) header.jpg will not work. 

  • LUNA Viewer Theme: Additional themes will be available in the future.

  • Thumbnail Fields: Select which of the 4 fields you'd like to have display in the LUNA Viewer for your thumbnail fields. These fields are coming from the data schema you previously selected.

  • Sort Fields: Select which of the 4 fields you'd like to sort your collection by in the LUNA Viewer. These fields are coming from the data schema you previously selected.

  • Summary Fields: Select which of the 4 fields you'd like to have display as the roll over media summary in the LUNA Viewer. These fields are coming from the data schema you previously selected.

  • Category Fields- Who, What, When, Where: Drag and drop up to 20 fields into the Who, What, When, Where categories. These will be represented in the LUNA Viewer in the "Explore Categories" view, in the Advanced Search when searching across multiple collections, and in the narrow search feature. 

  • Canonical Address: Allows you to share your collection with the LUNA Commons. For more information contact Luna support. This will point back to your instance of LUNA in all web crawlers. So any institution sharing your content publicly using the LUNA Commons will be advertising your site and content. This will increase your page rank in search engines like Google. This needs to be the base address of your LUNA site. For example http://www.example.com:8180/luna/servlet

  • OAI-OMH Mapping:  Allows your collection harvested by other repositories, such as WorldCat by OCLC. For more information contact Luna support. Select a data field from the left hand menu and then select which of the Dublin Core fields you'd like to map it to.

  • Include Buy Button: Allows you to include a "Buy" button in the LUNA Viewer Detail View in order to sell prints with our partner Reprint Mint. For more information contact Luna support.

  • Media Metadata Options: Check the boxes that apply. If you'd like the custom user defined fields to display in the LUNA Viewer and be keyword searchable, check the 2 boxes. These user defined fields are the only data fields available for an item in the Independent Media Items, and act as supplemental descriptive data in a collection. Learn more in the Media Item Editor section. Same with the EXIF, IPTC, and XMP info. 

The "Rebuild LUNA Viewer Index" button should only be applied if changes are made to the settings for Who, What, When, Where category fields. Or, if you notice a discrepancy between the data in the LUNA Library and what's appearing in the LUNA Viewer. We recommend doing this during off peak hours.