Installing or Upgrading LUNA
With the introduction of LUNA 7.0, a number of additional tools have been introduced. The original LUNA Viewer, the LUNA Library, the LUNA Administrator, the LUNA Collection Manager, the LUNA Uploader and the LUNA Publisher. Insight still works with the LUNA Viewer as it did in previous versions.
LUNA can be installed into any of the supported configurations. Add the necessary database and ensure you have a minimum of 1024MB of free memory, or the recommended 1500MB of free memory, on your server.
There are three major components to LUNA: the LUNA Library, LUNA Publisher and LUNA Viewer. Each item requires a database. The databases will only store user generated information and will not store contents of the collections. This means the storage requirements for these databases are fairly small. 100MB should be plenty of space.
- Create three databases for the following: The LUNA Library, LUNA Viewer and the LUNA Publisher
Running the Installer
The LUNA Suite installer requires a GUI. If you are installing on Linux or Solaris, you will need X Windows to run the installer or another GUI interface.
Start the LUNA installer on your system and follow the prompts described in the following section.
Serial Number
The install requires a Serial Number to continue the installation process.
As a licensed institution, you should have been issued one. If not, contact our support department to obtain a valid licensed Serial
LUNA Application Configuration
If this is the first time you install LUNA, then you must choose the first option "Configure LUNA Applications and create database tables".
If this is a subsequent installation and you just want to upgrade or reconfigure the LUNA application without deleting any user generated information, then choose "Upgrade or Reconfigure LUNA (Do not create db tables)".
NOTE: If you are upgrading, Stop Tomcat before running the installer
LUNA Suite Tools are deployed using Java W AR files. This option will just configure the WAR file and deploy it.
For Upgrade and Reconfigure Only
Choosing install sets for upgrade
If you have modified your Tomcat version for any reason, you may need to apply those changes again once the install is complete.
Choose Install Set
For the Initial installation, you will generally choose Typical. This will include all system components.
- LUNA Library
- LUNA Viewer
- LUNA Uploader
- LUNA Administrator
- LUNA Publisher
- Tomcat
- Media Manager
Custom Install
For subsequent installations, you may wish to choose to install a specific component.
You can choose to install any of the following system components.
- LUNA Library
- LUNA Viewer
- LUNA Uploader
- LUNA Administrator
- LUNA Publisher
- Tomcat
- Media Manager
Install Location
This will be the base of all the LUNA components selected.
For Upgrade or Reconfigure Only
Since you are upgrading, your previous install log can be used to provide the installer with the same choices that you made the last time you installed.
Choose your Install log. This should be located in the root directory of where you installed LUNA. The name should be something like LUNA_Server_Suite_7.x_installLog.log.
Since you are upgrading, you will now be asked how to connect to your database. Once connected, the installer will read some of your Application Configuration table to assist you in the rest of the upgrade.
Specifying an Administrative Username and Password for LUNA
LUNA requires you to specify an administrative username and password. This username and password will be used for authentication within the LUNA Administrator and for accessing the Tomcat management consoles. Users with this username and password have access to tools that can manage LUNA collection access and Credentials and modify LUNA's configuration, so be careful who it is shared with. NOTE: This password is not encrypted until first login. Do not use your network or system administrator password.
The Internal SYSTEM account is used within the various LUNA applications so that they may interact with each other. By default this is set to your Serial Number but you can change it if you wish.
Institution Name
This name is used on the LUNA Collections page to indicate the owner of the local LUNA Collections.
The format is:
<institution name> Collections
In the example below, it is set to Luna.
Institution ID
Institution ID is used within the LUNA Library to uniquely identify the server instance. This id in conjunction with the incremental suffix identifies a collection and will be used in the URL to specify a collection.
Example: LUNA~1~1 then LUNA~2~2
Tomcat Setup
The LUNA applications are served via Tomcat. The installation will take care of all major configurations with Tomcat but you may choose to select different ports for the application to run on.
Note: You are also choosing how much memory to allocate to the application. Make sure this much memory is freely available or the server will have out of memory errors.
Tools Home URL Menu name
As shown below in the LUNA Library, the menu item that says Tools can be modified to a different name and directed to a customized launching page.
Multicast address and port for SSO
A Multicast address and port needs to be set to allow a user to log in to one of the LUNA Tools and switch to other LUNA Tools without needing to log in again.
The address needs to be within the following range -
The default of and port 4446 should work in most cases unless you have more than one instance of LUNA installed on your network.
LUNA component address confirmation
In most cases all the LUNA Tools will be installed on the same server and the same Tomcat instance. This may not be the case for all configurations. If your LUNA instance does have differnt addresses, make the appropriate changes in this panel.
LUNA Viewer Configuration
This section allows you to choose how the LUNA application is generally configured.
Insight User Manager Address
The LUNA Viewer can still use your existing Insight User Manager to grant access to your collections. However, the Insight User Manager will not work with the LUNA Administrator, LUNA Library or the LUNA Uploader.
Header Graphic Hyperlink
You have the option to make a link in the Header Graphic go to a specific http address. By default the address will return to the LUNA Viewer Collections page (/luna/servlet).
This feature is useful if you want to create a launch page for the LUNA Viewer application, and from the LUNA Viewer the user can return to the launch page.
Personalized Footer
You have the option to add a personalized Footer in the LUNA Viewer. This footer will be placed at the bottom of all LUNA Viewer pages.
Just create a simple web page with a black background and place it on a web server.
Click here to see a
If you would like to share some of your collections with OAI-PMH then enter a repository name and an Admin Email account. If not, leave these fields blank.
LUNA Viewer Configuration Continued
Enable Google ads
If you would like to place ads on the content of your site to generate potential revenue to support your collections, just check the ads box. The ads will be placed on the right side of the application. Go to to sign up for an AdSense account. You will be prompted later in the installation to provide additional information specific to your AdSense account.
Enable End User Registration
The LUNA Viewer has built in end user self management. If you would like your end users to manage their own accounts (allowing them to create Media Groups, presentations and search External Media), select this item. Later in the configuration you will be asked for your email server information for outgoing messages.
Enable SSL for Login
To prepare your system to support SSL during login, select this item. To properly support SSL you will need to have an Apache web server or similar running on Port 80 and the SSL module installed. Then AJP must be configured to connect with Tomcat. An SSL certificate will also need to added to your web server.
Enable Google Analytics
Prepare your system to support Google Analytics. You will also need to have a Google Analytics account to make use of this option. See
Enable CAPTCHA for multiple failed Logins
To help reduce the risk of brute-force attacks, the LUNA Viewer has a CAPTCHA challenge option. The CAPTCHA will be presented when the user fails to enter the right username/password combination within a set number of tries.
Custom Authenticator
Only Normal Authenticators are supported in this version
Google AdSense Configuration
If you are seeing this screen, then you have selected to enable Google ads on your site. You will need to provide specific information to enable this feature properly. During your account setup in AdSense, you were provided information appropriate to this feature.
SMTP Mail Server Setup
If you selected end user registration, then fill in the following form.
- Your email domain address
- SMTP Port Number
- SMTP User (optional)
- SMTP Password (optional)
- Use TLS (Requires server to accept STARTTLS command)
- SSL Port (set to 0 to disable)
- Senders email account (the account end users will respond to if necessary)
- Registration CC (optional) (will cc this email account on any self registration)
Google Analytics Setup
If you selected Google Analytics, you will need to enter your Analytics ID here.
In order to make use of the CAPTCHA challenge, you will need to obtain a reCAPTCHA Public and Private key specific to your domain.
The process is very quick, just go to and follow the instructions.
Enter the reCAPTCHA public key
Enter the reCAPTCHA private key
Enter the number of failed login attempts to present before the reCAPTCHA is displayed.
Examples of the normal login window and CAPTCHA login window
LUNA Library storage repository
This location is used to store data for each item contained in the the LUNA Library as XML.
Default Media Fields for Independent Media Items
Choose up to 6 fields that will be the default fields set when a user edits an Independent Media Item.
Technical Metadata Search for Independent Media Items (IMI)
The search options are set system wide for Independent Media Items. This is different from working with collections. Collections have these same options set individually in the Collection Manager
These settings allow you to search the embedded metadata that was contained in the images as they were imported. IPTC and XMP are more likely populated with user created data and EXIF is machine generated. EXIF can also have an extensive set of fields with only technical information. Because of this and to avoid erroneous search results, we recommend that you exclude EXIF from search.
LUNA Suite database creation
The LUNA Suite has three independent databases for the
- LUNA Viewer
- LUNA Library
- LUNA Publisher
Each database needs it's own schema. In the next few screens, you will be creating these databases. The Installer screens are very similar so pay close attention to which database you are creating.
Choosing a Database Type
The installer is designed to connect to your database server and to create database tables, fields and indexes for your LUNA Server and LUNA Publisher. Please choose the database type you wish to use. The information you identify here will be used to configure LUNA.
LUNA Viewer, LUNA Library and LUNA Publisher Database Information
For each of the three databases you will be asked to provide the information necessary to connect to your databases. This includes the hostname, database name and database port. The installer will offer default values based on information provided earlier. Review the defaults (and change them as needed).
Database Username and Password
Please specify the username and password for your database. This is the username and password that LUNA should use to connect to the database.
- WARNING: the installer will DROP ALL LUNA TABLES once it has connected, so be sure that you are not installing over an existing version of LUNA. (The installer will warn you again before it actually drops any tables.)
Creating the LUNA Database
Once the installer has tested the connection, it will present you with the database creation script window. Click "Run Script" to create the LUNA tables and indexes.
The previous three panels will repeat for each database. Pay attention to the panel title to ensure you are creating the correct database
LUNA Graphics URL
The LUNA Graphics URL is used to access LUNA theme header graphics. Just make sure this URL is externally accessible from the installed machine. Do not use localhost or any other internal domain unless you know for sure the content will not be used outside of your institution.
Solr / Lucene Index Folders
LUNA uses Solr / Lucene to search for content in your collections. These indexes can add up to hundreds of megabytes depending on the content you have in your collections. 160,000 objects takes about 400MB but this is entirely dependent on the size of your collections that you are accessing. So choose an appropriate location that can grow with your collections.
LUNA Temp Files Location
During the use of LUNA, content is exported and this location is used to store that information temporarily.
LUNA Storage
LUNA and the LUNA Publisher need space to store information extracted from Insight collections and a place to create the Lucene indexes during the publishing process. This area can easily grow to several gigabytes.
Media Manager Storage Location
The Media Manager needs a location to store the content that is uploaded to it. Depending on the expected level of use, choose a storage location.
Start the Install Process
This may take several minutes depending on the server speed and how you are accessing the installer.
Important Notes
The Installer will now backup any existing LUNA suite configurations. This backup will be placed in <USER_INSTALL_DIR>/luna_backups
With any upgrade, you should perform your own backups of the file system and databases before installing any new version.
As of LUNA version 6.3 your authenticator settings are being preserved during the upgrade process. The settings are now stored in the following location <USER_INSTALL_DIR>/tomcat/luna_apps/luna.war/WEB-INF/luna-security.xml
Starting LUNA
You can start these by launching the Tomcat.
Go to:
<Install Directory>/tomcat/bin
For Tomcat:
We have also supplied you with our standard java service wrapper version for starting and stopping the application:
start_tomcat.bat on windows and for Linux and Solaris will start tomcat in a console mode.
If you would like to start tomcat as a service on windows, we have supplied you with the install_as_service.bat file.
If you want to run tomcat in the background using the java service wrapper on Linux or Solaris, you can start it with:
./ start
The script has the following options:
console | start | stop | restart | status
Once started go to
You should see something like the following:
The LUNA application will now be available at and it will look similar to the following page:
Media Manager testing
Testing the Media Manager
In your browser, go to
You should get a message like the following:
Testing the JPEG2000 Decoder
You should get a page like the following:
For Support
If you see any Error when testing the Jpeg 2000 Decoder, contact and we assist you in getting your system running properly
Troubleshooting a Media File Compromised Error
One error with the Media Manager is that the base file path for media may be slightly different from the actual path. This most commonly occurs on Windows where file-paths are not case sensitive while the Media Manager's checks are. So in Windows make sure your drive letter is upper case ( C:\ and not c:\ ). If you see an error similar to the following, then check the MediaFileRootDir parameter.
To change the MediaFileRootDir property:
- Open your MediaManager.dat file (located in the media_manager directory) in a text editor.
- Find the MediaFileRootDir parameter.
- Check that the value matches the path to your media exactly (check the case of all pieces as well).
- Save the file.
- Restart Tomcat.