LUNA Library Uploader

LUNA Library Uploader

The LUNA Uploader makes importing media items and data to collections and the IMIC a snap.

You can upload content to the IMIC or to a specific collection. With the correct settings you'll be able to upload media items and records at the same time and have them automatically linked and ready for display in the LUNA Viewer- this will save you a lot of time when building collections! Download the blank data schema to easily create the spreadsheet for cataloging.

On this page:

Uploader Settings

The most efficient way to build a collection and have it appear in the LUNA Viewer is by automatically linking the items to their records and telling the system you'd like them to display in the viewer-- do all this in the settings!

Tip: A best practice when uploading content into LUNA is to always include "Filename" as one of your data field, this is the easiest way for the system to link the records and items together and will do so automatically. Otherwise, you'll need to tell the system which data field to use as a linking identifier in the settings.

Uploader Setting Options:

  • Checking the "Store source image files" box will tell the system to store the source files.

  • The "For display in LUNA Viewer" option will tell the system to automatically allow either a record or media item (or both) to display in the LUNA Viewer. You'll know an item is checked for display if it has a green icon when selected in the Library. By default both the media items and records will be checked for display.

  • Use the "Link records and media items with" pull down menu to tell the system which data field to use in order to link the imported items with their respective record. Typically this would be a unique field, like filename. Use the Linking tab in the Record Editor in the LUNA Library to link more than one item to a record.

    Tip: If "Filename" is part of your data schema, the system will automatically select "Filename" in the pull down menu and link the items and records by this field.

  • If you've uploaded items and records but forgot to auto link, no problem- just go back to the settings and select the field and one of the 3 options below the pull down menu and then click "Apply links now". This will then link all the items and records. You can apply these links even after everything has been uploaded.

  • If you're uploading to a collection, and if you've linked your items with records, use the "Uploader display fields" menus to select up to 4 fields to display. These fields are just for the Uploader. Go to the Collection Manager to select which thumbnail fields will display in the LUNA Viewer.

  • If your filenames are not included in your data file you can upload a linking file. This process is also helpful if you need to link multiple items to one record. The linking file is a tab-delimited text file in which the first column shows your media filenames and the second column shows a linking value from your catalog data. The 2 values are separated by a tab character. 

- The field you choose as the linking value must be a field in the primary Field Group/Record Type. For example in Dublin Core it would be "Identifier".

An easy way to create the “External Mapping File” is to:

1. Copy all the fields in the Identifier column of your .csv file (excluding the name of the field) and paste them into a new Excel spreadsheet. 
2. Paste them again in the next column.
3. Save this file as a .txt file.

Tip: You know your media items are linked to records if you see data displaying next to them. If you've uploaded records and items and told the system to link them but you don't see any data after the upload is complete, go back to the settings and click on "Apply Links".

Uploading Records & Media Items

Before adding content to a collection or the Independent Media Items Container (IMIC) it's wise to first make sure you've got the right settings. You might also want to double check you're uploading to the right collection-- simply look at the upper left corner of the screen to see which collection you've selected. If you find you're about to upload to the wrong one then use the pull down menu to select the right one.

As soon as a collection is made in the Collection Manager you'll be able to upload media items and records in the Uploader. A batch is automatically created when you open the Uploader for the first time after creating a collection. The next step is to select your files either by dragging and dropping, or, click on "Select files" to open a dialog box and begin selecting files.

  • When you upload a .csv file you're uploading your data records. The .csv file must match the data schema you selected in the Collection Manager when you first established the collection properties. So the first row in your spreadsheet should include all the data fields from the schema the collection relies upon. A best practice when uploading content into LUNA is to always include "Filename" as one of your data fields. This is the easiest way for the system to link the records and items together.

After selecting the items for upload, click on either the individual upload button next to each item, or for more efficiency click on the main "Start Upload" button. You'll see a progress bar for each item as well as an overall progress bar at the top. After the upload is complete, the items still need to be processed. Depending on the size of the items and the number of items in the server queue this could take some time. Once the items are uploaded it's safe to leave the page and come back when processing is complete.


  • The LUNA Library Uploader will support individual files up to 300MB, if you need to upload a larger size contact us.
  • LUNA supports diacritics, non-Roman characters, but in order to do so your .csv file must be UTF8 compliant. Contact us for help, support@lunaimaging.com

Using Batches

Upon opening the Uploader for the first time after creating a new collection a batch will automatically be created and date and time stamped. Batches are a great way to keep track of specific content because they can be used as a filter when searching in the LUNA Library.

Renaming a batch is simple, just click on the edit icon for the selected batch.

A list of all batches for a collection is listed to the left of the Uploader and you can easily add a new batch using the + button.

Tip: You'll get an error message if you try to upload items that already exist in a batch. To upload the same content to a collection simply create a new batch. 

When you delete a batch you have the option of deleting just the media items, just the records or both.

Download Log & Upload Stats

The download log is helpful when you've uploaded a .csv or .xls file and have come across an error during the upload. The log will help you understand where things might have gone wrong. The log is a simple text file which can be opened in any text editing application (such as Notepad).

The upload stats appear in the lower right corner of the Uploader and are a helpful way to keep track of how many items have been uploaded and processed.

The stats indicate:

  • how many records have been uploaded;
  • how many media items have been uploaded and processed;
  • how many items are in the queue- these items are not specific to what you are uploading but rather to everyone uploading to the same server. If there are a lot of items in the queue it might take a while for your items to be uploaded and processed.

For example:

One possible error when uploading a data file is if a field is set to "number" in the template properties but the data contains text for that field.

Download Blank Data Schema

In the lower left corner of the Uploader is a link that reads "Download blank data schema .csv file". When you download this .csv file you are essentially downloading a .csv file that includes only the data fields from the schema you selected for that collection. This is useful if you don't have any items cataloged yet but wish to do so in a .csv file. Since this .csv file conforms to the data schema selected for the collection, once you complete the spreadsheet you can then simply upload it and your data records will be imported.