Exporting Media and Presentations

Exporting Media and Presentations

We know LUNA  is not the only application our users work with, so we've built in some simple ways to help you get your content out.

On this page:

Export a Single Image from Detail View

  1. Click on an image once to bring it into the Detail View.

  2. Click on Export.

  3. If you have the permission to export the images at a higher resolution, you'll have the option to select the desired resolution.

Export Media Group as a Zipped File

  1. Click on Explore > Media Groups to see the list of available Media Groups

  2. Open a Media Group by clicking on its title.

  3. The Media Group will open and if you have the right privileges, you'll see the Export icon beside the other icons.

  4. Click on Export

  5. The media in the Media Group will then be exported as a zipped file and you can select where to save it to on your computer.

You must be logged in to see your Media Groups.

Image resolution is set at 1536 pixels on the long side. If you want a higher resolution, you will need to export items individually or use the LUNA Library export feature.

Export Media Group to PowerPoint

  1. Click on Explore > Media Groups to see the list of available Media Groups

  2. Open a Media Group by clicking on its title.

  3. The Media Group will open and if you have the right privileges, you'll see the Export icon beside the other icons.

  4. Click on Export to PowerPoint. 

  5. Each image will represent a slide in PowerPoint. The data for each image will appear below the image.

You must be logged in to see your Media Groups.

Export Presentation

  1. Click on Explore > Presentations to see the list of available presentations.

  2. Under My Presentations, mouse over the presentation you are interested in. You’ll see 3 icons to the right of the presentation name: Edit PresentationEdit Presentation Properties; and Delete Presentation.

  3. Select the first icon Edit Presentation, to be taken to the LUNA Workspace where presentations are made and edited.

  4. Click on the Export to PowerPoint  button to export the presentation to PowerPoint.

You must be logged in to see your presentations.

Slide descriptions will not accompany the exported presentation. (Note: for Keynote users, PowerPoint files will open in Keynote

Each slide in a LUNA presentation will represent a slide in PowerPoint. The data for each image will appear below the image.

The aspect ratio that you chose when creating the presentation will be maintained in this exported version.