LUNA 7.3 Release Notes

Posted June, 20 2017

LUNA 7.3 is a major release which introduces integration with the Google Cloud Storage API to support the archival storage of source and associated files. We've also added date range searching in the LUNA Viewer and fixed a couple of bugs.

NEW Features in LUNA 7.3

  • Archival Cloud Storage for source and associated files: LUNA supports the archival storage of source and associated files. Integration with the Google Cloud Storage API facilitates external cloud based storage with Nearline or Coldline options, providing flexibility to manage and control safekeeping of media resources from both within LUNA and/or Nearline or Coldline highly durable storage. Read more...

  • Dates in LUNA: Support for date range searching in the LUNA Viewer. Read more...

Bug Fixes in LUNA 7.3

  • Fixed a bug whereby deleting a field in the schema of a collection, the XML export still includes the field in the export with the values.
  • Fixed a bug so that duplicated items with the same file name can be moved between collections.