Insight’s Components are as follow_

Insight’s Components are as follow_

User Manager: The User Manager functions as a single point of entry for all Insight Collections and Personal Insight Managers. It consolidates the functions of authentication and authorization for all shared resources within Insight and for LUNA. The User Manager can integrate with an existing security infrastructure if an institution already has a single sign-on solution in place. The User Manager also provides access to resources such as shared folders and groups within Insight. LUNA enables end-user management of viewing preferences, and storage folders for media groups and presentations.
Collection Manager: The Insight Collection Manager provides a common interface between client requests and the underlying data repository. Each Collection Manager may contain multiple collections and Virtual Collections of consistent or heterogeneous structures. The Collection Manager also functions as a broker between the clients (the Insight Java Client, Inscribe data editor, Studio (LUNA Publisher and XML Gateway) and the underlying database, coordinating search requests, and data updates.
Personal Insight Manager: The Personal Insight Manager is a specialized version of the Collection Manager which supports the creation of Personal Collections with the Insight Java Client.
Media Manager: The Insight Media Manager is built around a basic JSP Server, and manages access to Insight's media content. The Media Manager supports direct upload of processed content and also manages access to the JPEG2000 wavelet images that power Insight's Image Workspace.
Insight Browser & Java Clients: The Insight Browser and Java Clients are the core of Insight. They provide the end-user interface for searching, viewing, and managing images, audio, video, and other media. These clients provide unique tools to interact with visual content. The Java Client also provides end-user collection building tools with Personal Insight and the ability to create Virtual Collections – a subset of content with different access levels.
Inscribe®: The optional Inscribe data editor is an end-user cataloging tool designed to support all of an institution's cataloging needs. The Inscribe data editor includes built-in support for controlled vocabularies, date and numeric validation, and complex data relationships. Inscribe also supports an institution's workflow requirements by facilitating the publishing and review processes.
Studio: Studio provides collection administrators with the tools to build and manage collections. Studio is a wizard-based tool supporting batch processing of media, batch import of metadata, user management, catalog template creation and management, and other basic functions. The LUNA Publisher is accessible from within the Studio client.
Administrator Tools: The Insight Administrator Tools allow a collection administrator to dynamically manage collections. Components of the Insight Administrator Tools include tools for batch media processing, user and resource management, data indexing, and configuring of the search and user interface.
JPEG2000 Wavelet Encoder: The Administrator Tools and Studio include a JPEG2000 Wavelet Encoder. Wavelet encoded images improve performance when accessing large images, reduce storage requirements, and optimize network usage on image delivery.
Insight XML Gateway: The XML Gateway provides a web-services based interface for searching and retrieving content stored within Insight collections. The XML Gateway is middleware which allows backend interaction between Insight and other XML aware applications.