Once the Virtual Collection has been created, you will need to assign content to it, this content can only come from its Parent Collection. To do this you will first need to Grant User Privileges to the individual who will manage the content of the Virtual Collection.
- Add Allow editing of Virtual Collections to the appropriate profile in the Insight Administrator Tools
- Open the Insight Administrator Tools and connect to the Collection Manager that contains the Institutional and Virtual Collection you would like to manage.
- Locate the Profiles.
- Highlight the Institutional Collection and select from the profiles in the right panel. Double click or right click to edit the profile.
- Check Allow editing of Virtual Collections and Allow user to save a group options.
- You are now ready to add the content to the new Virtual Collection using the Insight Java Client. Launch the Insight Java Client and select the Institutional Collection you are basing the Virtual Collection on.
- Once the collection is open select manage virtual collection contents under the file menu.
- Select the appropriate Virtual Collection group to edit.
- Once the Group opens, populate the Group with content from the Institutional Collection then save the group.
Your Virtual Collection is now ready to access.
, multiple selections available,