Setting up Apache web server and proxy pass to use AJP to connect to Tomcat

This is for Ubuntu (debian), you will need to adjust for your flavor of apache.


Apache, mod_proxy/mod_jk2, Tomcat: You can use Apache as the front end to all requests then forward certain URLs or virtual hosts to Tomcat.  This lets you have some content served by Tomcat (e.g. a whole domain, a certain directory on a domain, or your LUNA instance) and other content (e.g. HTML, PHP pages, other websites, etc) served by Apache. 


edit the file:





AJP ports for versions of LUNA and Insight for your vritual server

8009 - v5-v6 Insight's tomcat LunaImaging/6.x/tomcat  used for the Media Manager.

ProxyPass /MediaManager ajp://  retry=5

ProxyPassReverse /MediaManager  ajp://  retry=5

8109 - v6 LUNA's tomcat LunaImaging/6.x/LUNA/tomcat used for the LUNA Viewer

ProxyPass /luna ajp:// retry=5

ProxyPassReverse /luna  ajp://  retry=5

8119 - v7 LUNA's tomcat LunaImaging/7.x/LUNA/tomcat  used for the All the LUNA tools.

ProxyPass /luna ajp://localhost:8119/luna retry=5
ProxyPassReverse /luna ajp://localhost:8119/luna retry=5
ProxyPass /editor ajp://localhost:8119/editor retry=5
ProxyPassReverse /editor ajp://localhost:8119/editor retry=5
ProxyPass /uploader ajp://localhost:8119/uploader retry=5
ProxyPassReverse /uploader ajp://localhost:8119/uploader retry=5
ProxyPass /webadmin ajp://localhost:8119/webadmin retry=5
ProxyPassReverse /webadmin ajp://localhost:8119/webadmin retry=5
ProxyPass /MediaManager ajp://localhost:8119/MediaManager retry=5
ProxyPassReverse /MediaManager ajp://localhost:8119/MediaManager retry=5
ProxyPass /MediaProcessor ajp://localhost:8119/MediaProcessor retry=5
ProxyPassReverse /MediaProcessor ajp://localhost:8119/MediaProcessor retry=5
ProxyPass /las ajp://localhost:8119/las retry=5
ProxyPassReverse /las ajp://localhost:8119/las retry=5

ProxyPass /graphics ajp://localhost:8119/graphics retry=5
ProxyPassReverse /graphics ajp://localhost:8119/graphics retry=5



Enable mod's proxy_ajp and proxy_http:

a2enmod proxy_ajp

a2enmod proxy_http

(may need sudo for this. e.g.: sudo a2enmod proxy_ajp)


Restat Apache:

service apache2 restart


Now when a request reaches your server for a domain followed by /luna (or any of the sub-directories LUNA uses: /las, /editor, /webadmin, /uploader) it will push it to tomcat. It is unlikely any of the other domains you host will have any of those as sub-directories so it will not affect them. 


