By default, when a new Insight system is installed, the administrator account created during installation is granted access privileges to Insight Studio and the Insight Administrator Tools.
The next section discusses how to give access to other types of users.
Enabling Insight Studio Access to a Collection Manager
- Open Insight Administrator Tools.
- Connect to the Collection Manager you want to grant access to by right-clicking (control-click on the Mac) on the Collection Manager name and selecting Connect.
- Select Server Settings, right-click on Admin Accounts, and click New.
- Enter the username and password you wish to add and select Insight Studio
Access. If you would also like to grant access to delete collections, select Insight Studio Collection Delete, and click Save.
Adding a User to the User Manager
Once the Administrator User has the appropriate permissions in the Collection Manager, you must confirm that there is a matching user in the User Manager.
To confirm that the user is defined in the User Manager:
- Open Insight Administrator Tools.
- Connect to your User Manager by right-clicking on the User Manager name and selecting Connect.
- Select Users and look for a matching user name.
- If you do not find a matching username for your administrative user, add one by
right-clicking on Users and click New.
- Enter the same username and password that match the administrative user in the
Collection Manager followed by a First Name and Last Name.
- Insight Studio only verifies a valid username and password during login, so you do
not need to assign Authentication Groups. Click Save.
Enabling Insight Studio Access to a User Manager
- Open Insight Administrator Tools.
- Connect to your User Manager by right-clicking on the user manager name and selecting Connect.
- Right-click on Admin Accounts and click New.
- Enter the user you wish to add and select Insight Studio Access. If you would
also like to grant access to delete collections, select Insight Studio Collection Delete and click Save.
You must have access to a collection through Insight Studio to manage user access to that collection.