Debugging blue thumbnail icons

Debugging blue thumbnail icons

When you see blue icons in the LUNA library or the LUNA viewer and your expecting to see an image, this document will help you determine why this might not be the case.

The blue icons display when the image the system is trying to loads fails to load or in the LUNA library for records without an image linked to them. This is the default icon.

What we will do here is show you how to find the URL of the image the system is trying to load.

How you can do this in Chrome  (Other browsers are similar )

Right click on the screen and bring up Inspect Element


You will get a new window or a section of your browser will have a debug window in it. Change to the tab Network and sub selection All. 


Then Reload your browser page. For the image that fails to load you will see red text.


Right click on the link and select Copy Link Address


Paste this in another browser window and try to load the address and try to load it. You can also look at the URL in comparison with working images.

If you need more help discovering the reason for the failed image load contact Luna Support.


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