Working with disparate IIIF resources using Mirador 2.7

Every image and book in LUNA 7.2+ is IIIF accessible. With Mirador 2.7 you can access individual items as well as Media Groups and search results.

You must have an instance of Mirador running for this to work. We do not detail the installation but we do give a little guidance on how to configure Mirador to support search results and Media Groups. 


You will just need the or build.tar.gz file.

Mirador releases

Mirador 2.7.0

After Install

Once you have Mirador installed, the documentation can be a bit daunting. We reference the official documentation but will show you just what you need to know.

Official Mirador configuration documentation 

Configure Mirador to support LUNA Media Groups and search results 

In the documentation there is a section called "Browsing a Nested Collection with the Collection Tree Panel"

Make a backup copy of build/example.html

Edit the example.html file

Under the "data" section add the following 

  manifestsPanel: {
    name: "Collection tree browser",
    module: "CollectionTreeManifestsPanel"

It will look something like this. You can also add openManifestsPage: true, if you want it to default to the selection page when it opens.

         data: [
           { collectionUri: "", location: "LUNA" },
           { manifestUri: "", location: "Harvard University"},
           { manifestUri: "", location: "National Gallery of Art"}
  manifestsPanel: {
    name: "Collection tree browser",
    module: "CollectionTreeManifestsPanel"
openManifestsPage: true,
         windowObjects: [],
         annotationEndpoint: {
           name:"Local Storage",
           module: "LocalStorageEndpoint" }


Adding IIIF resources to your example.html file

There are two types of "data" you can add to your mirador html files from LUNA collections.

  1. Individual items (Images and Book objects)
    1. identified by manifestUri:
    2. You can get the IIIF URI from the detail view page when you click Share. 
        1. Notice the word manifest at the end of the URI
        { manifestUri: "", location: "LUNA"},


  2. Search results and Media Groups
    1. identified by collectionUri:
    2. You can get the IIIF URI from the search results or when you have a Media Group open and click Share.
        1. Notice the word "collection" in the URI (This is from a group)
        { collectionUri: "", location: "LUNA" },

        1. Notice the word "collection" in the URI (This is from a search result)
        { collectionUri: "", location: "LUNA" },


So the file starting with the "data" block would look like this. The "location:" at the end does not need to be LUNA.

         data: [
           { manifestUri: "", location: "LUNA"},
           { collectionUri: "", location: "LUNA" },
           { collectionUri: "", location: "LUNA" }
  manifestsPanel: {
    name: "Collection tree browser",
    module: "CollectionTreeManifestsPanel"
openManifestsPage: true,
         windowObjects: [],
         annotationEndpoint: {
           name:"Local Storage",
           module: "LocalStorageEndpoint" }



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