LUNA Uploader

LUNA Uploader

The LUNA Uploader makes importing media items and data into your collections and the IMI a snap.

You can upload content to the IMI or to a specific collection. With the correct settings you'll be able to upload media items and records at the same time and have them automatically linked and ready for display in the LUNA Viewer. This will save you a lot of time when building collections!



Upload records and images and link them together

Open the Uploader page from the Tools menu. Select the collection you would like to upload records and images for. Create a new batch or use the existing batch. Now click the "Select Files" button to search your computer for the files you want to upload. Select all the records and images you like.

Using the "Settings" menu next to the Tools menu you can decide what field in the records to use to link the images you just uploaded to their respective data records. Most often this is done using the filename of the image. If "Filename" is part of your data schema, the system will automatically select "Filename" in the pull down menu and link the items and records by this field. If you are using a different field, use the "Link records and media items with" pull down menu to tell the system which data field to use.

Next, select one of the 3 choices directly below "Link records and media items":


  • Media items or records in this batch - This will only link records with media items specifically in this batch.
  • Unlinked media items or records in collection - This will check all the media items in the whole collection that you have uploaded that are Unlinked (no record attached to them).
  • Any media items and records in collection - This will search the entire collection for ANY media item that matches the linking field you choose and attach the record (weather there is all ready a record attached or not).
When all images and records have been selected and your linking selections have been made, click "Start Upload".


It's a best practice to upload your data first in your batch then upload the media. This allows the system to attempt linking with an existing record as each media item is processed.

If you've uploaded items and records but forgot to auto link, no problem. Just go back to the settings and select the field and one of the 3 options below the pull down menu, then click "Apply links now". This will then link all the items and records. You can apply these links even after everything has been uploaded.

A best practice when uploading content into LUNA is to always include "Filename" as one of your data fields. This is the easiest way for the system to link the records and items together.


I do not have a Filename field or a linking field in my data, how do I link my images with records?

When you upload a .csv file with all your records the only way LUNA can link the images to the records is if one of the fields in the record contains the filename of the image. If you are using schema for a collection that does not have a field that contains the filename, how can you link the images to the records you are uploading? You could do it one at a time in the Library but that may get very tedious, especially if you have hundreds or thousands of records to attach. This is why we have the ability to create and upload a linking file. The only piece of information a media item has to link to is its filename. Your schema may not have a field that contains the filename but it probably has a field that is unique for every record, like an identification number or something similar. We will use that unique field and the filenames of the images to create a link.

To create the linking file you need to choose a field from your schema that is unique (different) for each record. Usually a field like "Identifier" is used. You will create a "Linking File" that is tab separated (instead of comma separated) that will link images to records using the filename of the image and any field you choose from the records (a field that is unique for each record is highly recommended). Create a file that has 2 columns of data. On the left side is the file name of the media you are uploading or have uploaded and on the right side the field in your schema you choose.

Click on Settings (next to the Tools menu up top) and you will be able to use the last option to upload a linking file. This file will then look for the data in the .csv you uploaded and match that record to the image filename on the same row in the linking file you just uploaded. it will go through and match the image to every record that it matches.

- The field you choose as the linking value must be a field in the primary Field Group/Record Type. For example in Dublin Core it would be "Identifier".

An easy way to create the “External Mapping File” is to:

1. Copy all the fields in the Identifier column of your .csv file (excluding the name of the field) and paste them into a new Excel spreadsheet. 
2. Paste them again in the next column.
3. Save this file as a .txt file.

Tip: You know your media items are linked to records if you see data displaying next to them when looking at the batch in the Uploader. If you've uploaded records and items and told the system to link them but you don't see any data after the upload is complete, go back to the settings and click on "Apply Links".


My media item and data did not link, what do I do?

If you forgot to make your linking selections before uploading items, you can manage the linking of records and media items after they have all been uploaded. Open the batch that has the .csv file uploaded. Open the "Settings" menu (next to the Tools menu up top). Select the linking field from the pulldown menu under "Link records and media items with". Then select one of the 3 options below and click "Apply links now". This will link all the items and records.

If you do not have a linking field in your data, you will need to use a linking file instead. See the answer above.


Why do I see an exclamation point after uploading media items, did I do something wrong?

There are a few reasons you might see this.

  • Media failed in processing
  • Status of media cannot be determined. Opening an active batch, the current processing file may display this icon.
  • If the system was misconfigured during installation, all media will get this icon.

I got an error message after uploading my data records, what do I do?

This error happens if something is wrong with the data file you uploaded. A User can click "Download log" for info. Usually one or more fields are missing or out of order in the upload file. It could also be that fields with repeating values are not set up correctly. If one of the fields in the first row of your .csv (the field defining row) is missing, mis-typed, or in the wrong order you will get an error. You can download a blank .csv for the collection you are working on in the lower left of the Uploader page. This blank .csv will only contain the first row with the correct data fields in it. You can use this to verify that your format is correct on the .csv you are trying to upload that is getting errors.

Upload media items only

Open the Uploader page from the Tools menu. Select the collection you would like to upload images for. Create a new batch or use the existing batch. Now click the "Select Files" button to search your computer for the files you want to upload. Select all the images you like. When all images have been selected, click "Start Upload".

You can also use Drag and Drop to add your files.

This will upload the images and make them available in the Library for you to work with. If you import a .csv after the image upload you can connect the records. If you want to manually connect the records in the Library you can also do that. You can even manually create the records in the Library.

Add media:

Start Upload:

Once you start the upload you will see all the images upload. It will then take a moment before you start seeing it process all the images one at a time. You can see that all the images have been processed but do not have records yet attached (no data in the columns next to the thumbnails).


Upload source images




When you go to the Uploader from the Tools menu you can click on Settings up next to the Tools menu. The very first item in the settings menu is a check box to upload the source images if you like. Be sure to check the box for this setting before you upload the image files.



Upload records only

When you go to the Uploader From the Tools menu you can decide if you want to upload records or media items (or both). If you only want to upload records in a batch you may do that. If you only want to upload media items in a batch you may do that also. You can come back and add images or records at any time to a batch you have created.


The only file types supported for records are: .csv .xml .mrc

Select the file with the records:

After you click upload:

You can see the records uploaded. They are not linked to images as you can see in the first column. When you click upload it will begin to process the records one at a time. You can refresh your browser if you like.

Preparing a csv file to upload

The easiest way to prepare a .csv (comma separated value) file is to download the pre-made one that has ALL the fields setup properly but no records. This file is located in the lower left "Download blank data schema .csv file". You can then begin to fill in the rows with your record information.


The .csv file must match the data schema you selected in the Collection Manager when you first established the collection properties. If you download the blank .csv from the Uploader page it will be the correct schema or the collection selected.



I have repeating fields in my data, how do I prepare my csv file to upload my data records?

To import repeating fields that are part of a field group or authority via a .csv spreadsheet in the Uploader make sure each repeating field has the # sign and a successive number following it. In the following example, the .csv spreadsheet for import would look like this, where "Nickname", "Creation Year" and "Century" are repeating fields:


To import repeating fields that are not part of a field group or authority via a .csv spreadsheet in the Uploader make sure each repeating field has the $ sign and a successive number following it. In the following example, the .csv spreadsheet for import would look like this, where "Subject" and "Style" are repeating fields:


If you'd like to create an even more hierarchical data structure with Field Groups within Field Groups contact our support team for assistance,support@lunaimaging.com.

Upload a list of authorities only

At the top of the screen is a tab for Authorities. You can use that tab to select which Authority you want to upload to, using a .csv file. The easiest way to prepare a .csv (comma separated value) file is to download the pre-made one that has ALL the authority fields setup properly but no authority values. This file is located in the lower left "Download blank authority schema .csv file". You can then begin to fill in the rows with your authority information. 

To upload your authority .csv file, select or create a batch then select the file you're going to upload. When you have selected the authority .csv file, click "Start Upload".

Upload books

On the Uploader page once you have chosen a collection to add your book to you will see a "Books" tab at the top.

Using the Book Upload feature.

Making the items I upload display in the LUNA Viewer

Initially in the Settings menu you can choose to have the media items and records you upload be available in the viewer. By default both the media items and records will be checked for display. If you did not choose to have the items viewable when you uploaded them you can always make items viewable/not-viewable using "edit" in the Library.

What are the Uploader Settings?

  • Store source image files - You can have LUNA store your images in full source. This allows users to download the full source image if you allow them permission to do so in their Credential.

  • For display in LUNA Viewer - This allows you to choose whether the items you upload will be immediately viewable in the Viewer or not.
  • Uploader display fields - Select up to four fields of data to display in the Uploader when uploading data records. These fields are just for the Uploader.

  • Link records and and media items with - You can decide what field to use to link records with media items.  The 3 options below inform LUNA to search for the specific items to be linked.

  • Apply links now - This allows you to link records with media items after an upload is complete.
  • Upload Linking File - This allows you to upload a tab separated linking file to link records and media items (especially useful if your schema does not include a field for filename).

Create a new batch

All of the batches you have in a collection will be listed on the left side of the window. At the top of that list is the heading "Batches". There is a plus sign right next to "Batches" that you can use to create a new batch. Creating new batches is useful because if you later find you need to remove everything from a specific batch you made it can easily be done be deleting the batch.

Edit the batch name

Once you have selected a batch you will see the name of the batch appear at the top of the window. If you place your mouse on the name of the batch at the top of the screen you will see a trash can icon and edit icon appear next to the name. You can use the edit icon to change the name of the batch.

Delete a batch

Once you have selected a batch you will see the name of the batch appear at the top of the window. If you place your mouse on the name of the batch at the top of the screen you will see a trash can icon and edit icon appear next to the name. You can use the trash can icon to delete the batch.


Note: when deleting batches in Media Items & Books- this will ask if you want to delete records only, media items only or both.

This will delete all the selected contents from the system and is not reversible.

What are the stats in the bottom right corner?

The stats show you what is happening with the processing of the records and media items you have uploaded.

  • Uploaded and processed shows how many items in total have been uploaded and processed to the system in this batch. This count includes all media item and data files.

  • Records uploaded shows how many data records have been uploaded in this batch.

  • Media items processed shows how many media items have been processed in this batch.

  • Items left in server queue shows a tally of all items still waiting to be processed in the entire system. For example, if items were uploaded to another collection you may see a number of items left in the queue indicating that there are still some items processing. If there are still items processing it will need to finish any other batches you or someone else may have started before it gets to the batch you just queued up.


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