We're used to having information at our fingertips: enter a keyword and get pages of results. LUNA's keyword search works much like any search engine, making use of adding variables like "And" , "or", "equals", and "", and also support the use of wildcard characters.
But if you want to go deeper than a simple keyword search, then the Advance Search is the tool for you. Take advantage of the speed list results and pinpoint the exact objects you're looking for. You can also search for images from Flickr using the External Media Search.
On this page:
Simple Keyword
There are many different ways to search for content in LUNA, using the keyword search function is a quick, simple way to find content:
Use the keyword Search LUNA feature in the upper right corner to perform a keyword search across all collections you have selected.
Select either "Search Catalog Data" or "Catalog Data & text in Documents". By selecting "Catalog Data & text in Documents" you'll be searching any text indexed from BookReader objects or PDFs.
Keyword Search in LUNA works much like in a search engine, so you can use the AND, OR, NOT, and "" to help refine your search.
Use wildcard characters like "*" and "?". For example, enter "Par*" for results like Paris, Parigi, Paraguay, etc. Enter "Rom?" for search results like Rome and Roma.
Search results are presented in the Thumbnail View.
You can create a link to your search result to share with others using the Share This feature, or am embeddable web widget using the Embed This feature.