LUNA 6.3 requires an upgrade of both Insight and LUNA Suites.
Databases for Insight and LUNA will be upgraded by the installers.
For detailed instructions on upgrading LUNA, follow the instructions in A Guide to LUNA.
General Insight Upgrade Process:
- Prepare your system.
- Check your system for Java.
- Back up your databases (recommended).
- Shut down your Insight and LUNA Server components.
- Run the Upgrade Installers.
- Start your Insight and LUNA Server components.
- Test.
Preparing your System for the Upgrade
Before you run the Upgrade Installer, there are a few tasks you should perform.
Check your system for Java
Run the following command from a command prompt: "java -version" (use a space before the argument). If you get the message "not recognized as an internal or external command" (or something similar), you may only need to add Java to your system path or environment.
Note: On Linux systems in particular, the version of Java that is installed by default may not function properly with the upgrade. We suggest installing Sun's Java or pointing to one previously installed.
Java Setup: Since Java comes bundled with Insight, try pointing your system to your earlier version by adding the full pathname to the Insight 5.1 jre\bin (Windows) or jre/bin (Unix) directory to your system path or system environment, e.g.,\Program Files\LunaImaging\5.x\jre\binYou may reference another version instead, if available. If not, or if you have a version earlier than 1.4.2, please upgrade your system with a current version of Java.
Backing up your Databases
It is advisable to back up your databases. This will ensure that you can safely restore any changes.
Shutting Down your Insight and LUNA Server Components
Before running the upgrade, you will need to shut down your Insight and LUNA server components. These include: Collection Manager(s), Personal Collection Manager(s), User Manager and Tomcat/Jboss (Tomcat/Jboss control LUNA, Browser Insight, the Media Manager and the XMLGateway). This will ensure that no users log in or make any changes during the upgrade process. Once the upgrade is complete, you will need to restart all server components.
Running the Upgrade Installers
Insight Installer
To run the GUI Installer, double-click on the InsightUpgrade executable appropriate to your platform. It may take a few minutes to initially load. The installer is GUI-based and must be run in a graphical environment.
Note: As of version 6.3 the command line upgrade for Insight is no longer available.
Connecting to the Insight Collection Manager Database
Since you are upgrading, you will now be asked how to connect to your Insight Collection Manager database. Once connected, the installer will evaluate your database to determine if it requires an upgrade.
If the installer determines that your Insight Collection Manager database requires an upgrade, you will be prompted to run a database upgrade script.
If the installer determines that your Insight Collection Manager database does not require an upgrade, you will be given a choice to continue or select another Insight Collection Manager database. If you have multiple Collection Managers, each database will need to be upgraded.
Once your database upgrade is complete or the installer determined that your database does not require an upgrade, you will be prompted with the choice to Continue with the Insight Server Suite Upgrade, select another Insight Collection Manager database or Finish and Exit the Upgrade installer.
The last step is to choose the location of your Insight Suite. This is the directory where all your Insight Server components are located. You will see several directories in here; collection_manager, user_manager and others. Choose this directory and press Install.
Installation Errors
If your Installer encounters any errors during the installation process, you will receive a message in the installer panel. Press the "Done" button to close the Installer, then go to the installation directory to review the installation log (Insight_6.3_Server_Upgrade_InstallLog.log). This log will indicate where a failure may have occurred. If you are unsure about any error reported, please forward the report to Luna Imaging's Support department.
Insight Client Installers
If you perform this upgrade on your Insight server, you must upgrade any Insight Studio clients as well. It is also recommended that you upgrade any Insight Administrator Tools installations. All other clients are forward-compatible and can be upgraded as needed.
Note: If you are upgrading and were using the ResampleDuringResizeMode property to eliminate a moiré pattern, you will need to reset the property in the InsightAdminStore.dat (Administrator Tools) and the InsightStudio.dat (Insight Studio) files after the upgrade has completed.
Insight Java client help
The URLs to the Insight Java help need to be updated. You will need to do this for all your collections.
1. Open the Insight Administrator Tools.
2. Login to your Collection Manager.
3. Go to Collection Settings.
4. Open the Collection you would like to update.
5. Select Collection Configuration.
6. Edit Collection Configuration.
7. Update the Help Group and Help Image properties to: /en/index.html
8. Save and close the Collection Configuration panel.
Upgrading LUNA
Upgrading LUNA is done by running the LUNA installer and choosing the Upgrade and Reconfigure LUNA option. Follow the instructions in the installer or see A Guide to LUNA for more detailed instructions.
Note: Stop Tomcat/Jboss before running the LUNA Installer.