Insight can easily grant access to remote collections. This section describes how to grant access to multiple collections.
As the following diagram illustrates, a user can be assigned to many User Groups. Each User Manager User Group Name and Access Key (Code Key) must have a matching Collection Manager User Group Name and Access Key (Code Key) for the collection being accessed.
Once you have added your Group Name and Access Key (Code Key) to the User Manager, either through Studio or the Administrator Tools, you will need to use the Insight Administrator Tools to grant access to users.
3.Select and edit the user you wish to grant access to by double-clicking
on the user.
4.Select any of the user groups in the Available Authentication Groups
panel that you would like this user to be a member of and move them to the Assigned Authentication Groups panel.
5.Click Save.
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Creating a Catalog Template This chapter will describe how to build a catalog template using Insight Studio.