Table 1: Distribution CD Contents
Table 2: Pre-Installation Checklist
Table 3: Microsoft SQL Server Database Creation Worksheet
Table 4: Oracle Database Creation Worksheet
Table 5: MySQL Database Creation Worksheet
Table 10: Common Installation Locations for the Insight User Manager
Table 11: Common Installation Locations for the Insight Collection Manager
Table 12: Common Installation Locations for the Personal Insight Manager
Table 14: Common Installation Locations for Tomcat
Table 15: Required Entries for a Collection or Server Entry in BrowserInsight
Table 16: Optional Entries for a Collection or Server Entry
Table 17: Debug Levels for the Insight Server Components
Table 18: Database Debug Mode settings
Table 19: Default Ports for Insight Server Components
Table 20: Locations of the Client Installers
Table 21: Client Configuration Files
Table 22: Default Client Installation Locations
Table 23: Common Temporary Locations Per Platform
Table 24: Operation System User Preference Directory
Table 25: Consolidated Properties by Client Application
Table 26: XML Gateway Configuration Files