Renaming a collection with Insight and Luna 6
(Note: Before deleting the collection it may be helpful to click the "Details" button or take a screenshot of the publishing settings page because the fields you've dragged into the who-what-where-when drop zones will be deleted along with the task.)
2. Delete the collection 's index from Luna Managers using Admin Tools:
Launch the Admin Tools here:
Linux: ~/LunaImaging/6.x/LUNA/AdminTools/Insight_Administrator_Tools_6.3
Windows: (install directory)\LunaImaging\6.x\LUNA\AdminTools\Insight_Administrator_Tools_6.3
Click media Collections.
R-click and delete the collection you are trying to rename.
The "Admin Tools" with access to User Managers and Collection Managers can be found:
Linux: ~/LunaImaging/6.x/AdminTools/Insight_Administrator_Tools_6.3
Windows: (install directory)\LunaImaging\6.x\AdminTools\Insight_Administrator_Tools_6.3
(Note: this path does not contain the LUNA folder as the one before does. Yes, there are 2 separate Admin Tools. All this is streamlined and simplified in Luna 7 and we would love to help you migrate when you are ready!)
Linux: ~LunaImaging/6.x/LUNA/tomcat/bin/
To run "./" directly in that directory.
Windows: ~LunaImaging (install directory)\LunaImaging\6.x\LUNA\tomcat\bin\
To run "start_tomcat.bat" directly in that directory. If you have installed as a "service", you should restart the service under "Services"
6. In Studio publish the collection to Luna again