Renaming a collection with Insight and Luna 6
(Note: Before deleting the collection it may be helpful to click the "Details" button or take a screenshot of the publishing settings page because the fields you've dragged into the who-what-where-when drop zones will be deleted along with the task.)
2. Delete the collection 's index from Luna Managers using Admin Tools:
Launch the Admin Tools here:
Linux: ~/LunaImaging/6.x/LUNA/AdminTools/Insight_Administrator_Tools_6.3
Windows: (install directory)\LunaImaging\6.x\LUNA\AdminTools\Insight_Administrator_Tools_6.3
Click media Collections.
R-click and delete the collection you are trying to rename.
3. From "Task List" mentioned in step 1, click the "Modify" button for the Merge and Load task to completely remove all traces of the collection from Luna.
4. To change a collection name in an Insight 5.x/6x database, you will need to do the following:
Note: The collection name must match between the collection Manager and the User Manager.
The "Admin Tools" with access to User Managers and Collection Managers can be found:
Linux: ~/LunaImaging/6.x/AdminTools/Insight_Administrator_Tools_6.3
(install directory)\LunaImaging\6.x\AdminTools\Insight_Administrator_Tools_6.3
(Note: this path does not contain the LUNA folder as the one before does. Yes, there are 2 separate Admin Tools. All this is streamlined and simplified in Luna 7 and we would love to help you migrate when you are ready!)
In the User Manager:
Change the collection name. R-click the collection name and choose Edit.
Linux: ~LunaImaging/6.x/LUNA/tomcat/bin/
To run "./" directly in that directory.
Windows: ~LunaImaging (install directory)\LunaImaging\6.x\LUNA\tomcat\bin\
To run "start_tomcat.bat" directly in that directory. If you have installed as a "service", you should restart the service under "Services"
6. In Studio publish the collection to Luna again