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Top Keyword Searches shows you a list view of the top 10 search terms or phrases users typed into the Keyword Search box and how many times they were performed within a specified date range.


Top Advanced Searches shows you a list view of the top 10 search terms or phrases users typed into the Advanced Fielded Search box and how many times they were performed within a specified date range.

Facet Filtering shows you a pie chart illustrating the percentage of Who, What, When, Where searches performed within a specified date range. It includes facet searches in thumbnail view and searches originating from the Browse Category page.

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Facet Filtering Who shows you the top 10 values users clicked on from the Who category and how many times each value was clicked, within a specified amount of time. It includes facet searches in thumbnail view and searches originating from the Browse Category page.

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Facet Filtering What shows you the top 10 values users clicked on from the Who category and how many times each value was clicked, within a specified amount of time. It includes facet searches in thumbnail view and searches originating from the Browse Category page.

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