Using the LUNA Administrator you can grant access to collections. You can create different credentials so as to grant different access permissions. Only administrators have access to the LUNA Administrator.
About Independent Media Items Container (
Unlike a collection there is no data schema for within the Independent Media ItemsItem Container and so the items in it do not have data records. You can add custom data fields using the Media Item Editor, but there is no Record Editor with the IMI since there are no records.
If you're not sure how to structure a collection but want to add your content to the system, uploading to the IMI IMIC is a good idea. You can then organize the content using labels and easily copy items into a collection. Once a media item is copied into a collection a blank record is created for you. The IMI IMIC allows you to add the same item to different collections. Consider it as a staging area for the content you haven't organized or cataloged yet.