The LUNA Viewer has a My Uploads feature which allows certain users to upload items directly from their desktop into the system without using the LUNA Library Uploader. These items are marked as public by default and will appear in the IMIC for all to see.
This is useful if you don't want to give a user access to the LUNA Library but they still want to upload some content .
I am not sure about this. I need more clarification on the benefits of the My Uploads.
These items are available only to them in the LUNA Viewer until the permission is changed in the LUNA Library.
If you've added items to the LUNA Viewer using the MyUploads feature, they will appear here in the IMIC. By default the items in the IMIC are private to you, but you can make them available to other users by changing the access permissions. You can also choose whether the items can be edited and deleted by others.
the system. A collection administrator could then easily find those items by searching by owner and add them to a collection. In essence this is kind of a "lite" way for people to add content to the system.
When you are in context of the IMIC you'll see all your items as well as other people's MyUploads items marked as public.